Implying the tool's ability to forge and shape Node.js backend code.
Backdraft Code Generator
Welcome to the Backdraft Multi-Framework Generator! This powerful Yeoman generator allows you to effortlessly scaffold a fully customized Node.js application, offering flexible options for frontend frameworks and additional features, tailored to streamline your development process and enhance productivity.
First, install Yeoman and generator-backdraft using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js):
npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-backdraft
Then generate your new project:
yo backdraft
Add .env file
Environment Configuration
Database Connection Strings
JWT Configuration
TOKEN_SECRET= # Secret key used for signing JWT tokens
Application Configuration
APP_PORT=3000 # Port on which the application will run
Environment Setting
NODE_ENV='test' # Set the environment (options: development, staging, production, live2, test)
API Versioning
API_VERSION='v1' # Version of the API to be used
Then Run
npm start
Here are the comprehensive features of the Backdraft Multi-Framework Generator:
- Predefined Templates: Quickly scaffold projects with built-in templates and structures for common project setups.
- Customizable Prompts: Gather specific project information with customizable prompts for a tailored application setup.
- Frontend Framework Support: Supports React, Angular, Next.js, and Vue, giving flexibility in frontend setup.
- Backend Integration: Includes backend boilerplate setup with options for MongoDB and Mongoose integration.
- Authentication API: Provides an option to add an authentication API, facilitating secure user management.
- Tailwind CSS Integration: Optionally includes Tailwind CSS for streamlined frontend styling.
- State Management: Supports state management tools like Redux (for React) and Vuex (for Vue).
- Testing Tools: Integrates Jest for unit testing and Cypress for end-to-end testing setups.
- Code Patterns Automation: Automates common code patterns for efficient development.
- ESLint Setup: Configurable ESLint setup for both frontend and backend code quality assurance.
- Extensibility: Easily extensible to include new templates, frameworks, and actions for evolving development needs.
- Productivity Focused: Designed to streamline and enhance development workflows, maximizing productivity.
Project Structure
It will generate a Backend boilerplate project like this
1 - app_name/frontend
2 - app_name//backend
├── config/
│ └── database.js # Configuration for database connection
├── controller/
│ └── user.js # User-related controller logic
├── models/
│ └── user.js # User model schema
├── routes/
│ ├── index.js # Main application router
│ └── user.js # User-related route definitions
├── services/
│ └── user.js # User-related business logic
├── validators/
│ ├── joi.validators.js # Validation schema using Joi
│ └── index.js # Exported validation functions
├── index.js # Application entry point
└── package.json # Node.js package configuration
During project setup, you'll be prompted to answer a few questions to tailor the generated application to your needs.
App Name
- Type: Input
- Name:
- Message: "App Name"
- Default: "myapp"
- Description: Enter the desired name for your application.
App Description
- Type: Input
- Name:
- Message: "App Description"
- Default: "My App"
- Description: Provide a brief description of your application.
Select a Frontend Framework
- Type: List
- Name:
- Message: "Select a frontend framework:"
- Choices: ["React", "Angular", "Next.js", "Vue"]
- Description: Choose the frontend framework you want to use.
Select Additional Features
- Type: Checkbox
- Name:
- Message: "Select additional features to include:"
- Choices:
- Tailwind CSS
- Redux (for React)
- Vuex (for Vue)
- Jest Testing
- Cypress Testing
- Description: Choose additional features to include in your project.
Getting To Know Yeoman
- Yeoman has a heart of gold.
- Yeoman is a person with feelings and opinions, but is very easy to work with.
- Yeoman can be too opinionated at times but is easily convinced not to be.
- Feel free to learn more about Yeoman.
MIT © NishikantaRay