Simple generator of a serverless GraphQL API that can be deployed on AWS from a GraphQL schema
Generator based on Yeoman of a serverless GraphQL API that can be deployed on AWS from a GraphQL schema
- yeoman
npm install -g yo
- terraform
- aws cli
- An AWS Account set up and configured on your machine ( best if you use the aws-cli to configure with
aws configure
command) - A valid GraphQL schema
Using npm (Usage only)
npm install -g generator-aws-server-gamechanger
Locally (For developement)
Get the project and install its dependencies
git clone
cd generator-aws-server-gamechanger
npm install
Link the project to your local node_modules folder
npm link
This generator is for developers who prefers to use TypeScript, React and node as their primary technologies. If you are interested in contributing or modifying the generator itself, install all modules before building the solution.
npm install
npm run build
Generate your server application
yo aws-server-gamechanger <your-app-name> <your-graphql-schema>.graphql
cd <your-app-name>
Generate your AWS infrastructure
cd terraform
terraform init
terraform apply -var-file="terraform.tfvar"
For destroying the infrastructure
terraform destroy -var-file="terraform.tfvar"
API Gateway
You will find the endpoint of your server in the file '<your-app-name>/terraform/url.txt'.
You will find cognito's information in the file '<your-app-name>/terraform/cognito.txt'.
Requirement for queries
Before executing queries, you need to get the token for cognito
aws cognito-idp admin-initiate-auth --user-pool-id <your-cognito-pool-id> --client-id <your-cognito-client-id> --auth-flow ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH --auth-parameters [email protected],PASSWORD=password
Get the IdToken field of the response. Put the following header for all queries
Authorization : <IdToken>
Queries for the database
Launch Postman and put the URL of API Gateway. Configure Postman to send "POST" query. Send the request with these following bodies :
Create tables in the database
"initTable" : "sometext"
Response if success in create tables
Init Done
Fill tables with fakes data
"fillTable" : "sometext"
Response if success in fill tables
Fill Done
Delete data in the database
"cleanTables" : "sometext"
Response if success in delete tables
Clean Done
Drop tables of the database (and data)
"dropTables" : "sometext"
Response if success in delete tables
Drop Done
Update database (see next part for more information)
"updateDatabase" : "sometext"
Query for the lambda
Any request (replace YOUR_QUERY_GRAPHQL by your query)
Example :
"query" : "query employes {employes {id} }"
Update the database schema
- Updates supported
Add a new entity
Delete an entity
Update an entity
- Create a new field (which any type)
- Delete a field
- Update the type of a field
List of updates supported :
- String
String -> String!
Rule : (NULL -> ' ')
String -> Int!
Rule : (NULL or String which contains a character which is not a number -> 0)
String -> Int
Rule : (String which contains a character which is not a number -> 0)
String -> Boolean!
Rule : ('true' -> true / NULL or !'true' -> false)
String -> Boolean
Rule : ('true' -> true / !'true' -> false)
- Int
Int -> Int!
Rule : (NULL -> 0)
Int -> String!
Rule : (NULL -> ' ')
Int -> String
Rule : (number -> number.toString())
Int -> Boolean!
Rule : (0 or NULL -> false / !0 -> true)
Int -> Boolean
Rule : (0 -> false / !0 -> true)
- Boolean
Boolean -> Boolean!
Rule : (NULL -> false)
Boolean -> String!
Rule : (NULL -> ' ')
Boolean -> String
Rule : (boolean -> boolean.toString())
Boolean -> Int!
Rule : (false or NULL -> 0 / true -> 1)
Boolean -> Int
Rule : (false -> 0 / true -> 1)
- Usage
In the folder which contains your app named "<your-app-name>"
yo aws-server-gamechanger <your-app-name> <your-new-graphql-schema>.graphql
Then, send the request for update (see in the previous part)
How to use it
By default, the cognito account is : login : [email protected] password : password For executing queries you have to put the right header for request and a body among those described in "Usage" part.
Check queries execution
If you want to check if the request has been send and execute by the database, you can :
Go on AWS platform
Go on RDS section -> Query editor
Put your information to the connection in the database (see terraform.tfvar file)
To check the existence of your tables, execute the request "SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables;" and check if there tables of your entities.
To check the modification of data in your tables, execute the request "SELECT * FROM oneOfYourEntities;" and check data in your tables.