Angular package generator
Generator Angular Package
This generator will make a very simple structure to build you own Angular packages for distribution.
First, install Yeoman and generator-angular-pkg using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).
npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-angular-pkg
Then generate your new package:
yo angular-pkg
Commands available for package development
Within the package directory there are a number of commands to help you develop and launch a new package. Several gulp tasks are available to manage the package:
$ gulp --tasks
├── clean
├── copy-html-css
├── transpile
├── rollup
├── replace-ng-template-styles
├── minify
├── copy-package
└── default
- clean: Clears the dist directory (packages releases directory).
- transpile: Compiles the typescript files for javascript with AoT support.
- copy-html-css: Copy the template and css files to directory dist from the package.
- rollup: Generates a package bundle using the UMD format.
- minify: Compresses the generated bundle through the rollup.
- replace-ng-template-styles: Task that corrects a problem with the search of templates with relative path (mandatory in the angular). Make templateUrl replace for template: require ('template.html') and styleUrls for styles: [require ('styles.css')].
- copy-package: Copy package_dist.json to directory dist from the package.
- dev: Starts a watcher that monitors changes to the code and generates a new test release.
- build: Task that is executed when no specific task is passed as parameter. Execute in sequence:
- clean
- transpile
- copy-html-css
- rollup
- minify
- replace-ng-template-styles
- copy-package
Testing the package
After generating the build with gulp build
or gulp dev
you can test the packages locally by making a link through NPM
or Yarn
. Both NPM and Yarn have the link and unlink command to make local packages available for local installation.
With the build generated in .dist / <package-name>
in the root of the repository, you will enter the package directory and execute:
$ yarn link
$ npm link
After successfully generating the link, just go to the project directory and run:
yarn link <package-name>
Making a distribution
To make a release build for a packag just use gulp
command without parameters.
cd package-directory
This command will generate a distribution folder of the package inside dist
Travis and Coverage
to have in your README file the build and coverage status, you just need to configure them.
[Build Status]
[Coverage Status]
This command will generate a distribution folder of the package inside dist
Publishing package
To publish a packge you need go to the package dist path and run npm publish
or yarn publish
cd dist/<package-name>
npm publish
MIT © Hersonls