A set of subgenerators for helping you when working with AEM applications, current supported subgenerators will help you create AEM components, clientlibs, custom workflow steps and a galen submodule
A set of subgenerators for helping you when working with AEM applications. Current supported generators will help you create:
- AEM components
- Clientlibs
- Custom Workflow Step
- Galen submodule
First, install Yeoman and generator-aem-application using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).
npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-aem-application
Supported subgenerators:
All Subgenerators should be executed from the root path of your AEM application unless specified
Simple AEM Component
yo aem-application:aem-component
You can also supply parameters from the console
yo aem-application:aem-component mavenAppsModuleName=ui.apps componentParentPath=basic-component/components/content componentNodeName=basic-component componentName="Basic Component" componentGroup="Basic Component" mavenBundleModuleName=core javaRootPackageName=co.dlighthouse.aem.basiccomponent.core javaModelRelativePackageName=models javaModelClassName=BasicModel
yo aem-application:clientlibs
You can also supply parameters from the console
yo aem-application:clientlibs clientlibsPath=ui.apps/src/main/content/jcr_root/apps/basic-component/clientlibs/clientlib-example categories=clientlib-example
Workflow Step
yo aem-application:workflow
You can also supply parameters from the console
yo aem-application:workflow workflowName="Sample Application - Sample Workflow Process Step" mavenAppsModuleName=ui.apps componentParentPath=workflow-step-dialog/components/workflow componentNodeName=workflow-process mavenBundleModuleName=core javaRootPackageName=co.dlighthouse.aem.workflowstepdialog.core javaWorkflowRelativePackageName=workflows javaWorkflowClassName=SampleWorkflowProcess
A Galen Submodule
yo aem-application:galen-module
You can also supply parameters from the console
yo aem-application:galen-module
Getting To Know Yeoman
- Yeoman has a heart of gold.
- Yeoman is a person with feelings and opinions, but is very easy to work with.
- Yeoman can be too opinionated at times but is easily convinced not to be.
For adding new sub generators:
yo generator:subgenerator <name>
- Feel free to learn more about Yeoman.
Apache-2.0 © drginm