A webpack Plugin for automatically generating routing methods based on conventional routing
English | 中文
📦 Install
pnpm add generate-history-method-webpack-plugin -D
# or
yarn add generate-history-method-webpack-plugin -D
# or
npm i generate-history-method-webpack-plugin -D
make sure your dependencies have qs
,otherwise please install
pnpm add qs -D
# or
yarn add qs -D
# or
npm i qs -D
Make sure to export default history under your project src
if you use browser mode, you can refer to react-router-6/src/browser_history.ts, then export the history
import type { BrowserHistory } from 'history'
import { createBrowserHistory } from 'history'
export type { BrowserHistory }
export default createBrowserHistory()
if you use hash mode, you can refer to react-router-6/src/hash_history.ts, then export the history
import type { HashHistory } from 'history'
import { createHashHistory } from 'history'
export type { HashHistory }
export default createHashHistory()
⚙️ Options
interface GenerateHistoryMethodWebpackPluginOptions {
* @description The name of the file defining the route parameter type, must be .ts
* @default index.params
* */
paramsName?: string
* @description Identify is the filename of the routed page
* @default
pageName?: string
* whitch module you want to import
* @default ~history
* @example
* import history from '~history'
historyModuleName?: string
* your origin history import from whitch module.
* for example, if you import history from 'history',
* so the originHistoryModuleName is 'history'
* @default 'history'
originHistoryModuleName?: string
* your pages path root
* @example
* path.resolve(cwdPath, 'src/pages') */
pagesRootPath: string
* hash or brower
* @default 'browser'
mode?: HistoryMode
/** the reac-router version, now support v5 and v6 */
reactRouterVersion: 5 | 6
🔨 Usage
// webpack.config.js
const GenerateHistoryMethodWebpackPlugin = require('generate-history-method-webpack-plugin')
const path = require('path')
module.exports = {
plugins: [
new GenerateHistoryMethodWebpackPlugin()
// new file .generate-history-method.config.js in your project root
const path = require('path')
module.exports = {
pagesRootPath: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/pages'),
originHistoryModuleName: '@/browser_history',
reactRouterVersion: 6,
👇 Example
- if your page is in the directory
, then it will auto tip method from the pages directory
- if you add
for page params, then when you pass params, it will tip type
// order_detail/index.params.ts
export default interface Params {
/** 这是订单id */
id: string
For more usage methods, please refer to playgrounds :
and webpack.config.js:
📄 License
generate-history-method-webpack-plugin is MIT licensed.