generate a triangle mesh from a distance function
generate a triangle mesh from a distance function
npm i generate-heightmap-mesh
//height function format:
function(x,y,z,scale){ //note - y is usually assumed to be constant
return height_at_point(x/scale,y,z/scale);
by default the height function generates islands created from simplex noise
var gen = require('generate-heightmap-mesh');
var resolution = 256; //x-z resolution of mesh
var size = 64;
var boundingBox_XZ = [[-size,0,-size],[size,0,size]];
var df = gen.dfHillsWorld2D; //default distance function
var yCoordinate=0.0; //y-coord to use in 3d distance function sampler
var df_scaleXZ=100.0; //scale df along x-z, default 100 -- you can leave this constant to have the bounding box reveal more land as it expands, OR make this value proportional to the bounding box, to have the result expand to the same size as the bounding box
var df_scaleY=4; //scale result height, default 4
var postSimplifyFactor=0.5; //default 1 [no simplify] -- if less than 1, decimate triangles to the fraction indicated
var doAddSkirt = false; //add "skirt" to heightmap to make it an enclosed mesh. default false.
var skirtY = -10; //y coord for the skirt floor. default 0.
var triangles = gen.generateHeightmapMeshXZ(resolution, boundingBox_XZ, df, yCoordinate, df_scaleXZ, df_scaleY, postSimplifyFactor, doAddSkirt, skirtY);
//view result with ascii-raytracer
var art = require('ascii-raytracer');
var config = {
resolution: 64,
aspectRatio: 1.0,
cameraMode: 0,
antiAlias: true
^ resulting heightmap mesh
^ result with skirt added [here skirtY=-10]