This package will create a folder with all files (actions, mutations, getters, states) the Vuex Store needs for a specific component/view.
gen-vuex is an npm package that helps to create all vuex store files (state, actions, mutations, getters) you need for each component/view of your Vue application.
The Vue project must follow the structure inside the folder 'src/store/' as showed below:
├── store/
├── store.js (it has all modules references )
├── modules/
├── loginStore
├── index.js (this file links state, actions, mutations, getters all together into store.js)
├── state.js
├── actions.js
├── mutations.js
├── getters.js
├── homepageStore
├── index.js
├── state.js
├── actions.js
├── mutations.js
├── getters.js
├── views/
├── login.Vue
├── homepage.Vue
This structure could be used for a medium dimension Vue project.
Getting started
npm install gen-vuex
1. Initialize the store path
gen-vuex-init <storePath> [--store]
This command sets up the store folder path (e.g. "src/store" following the structure above).
Use the option [- -store] if store.js doesn't exist and you want to create it.
Here is the store.js template that will be created with the [- - store] option
import Vue from "vue";
import Vuex from "vuex";
export const store = new Vuex.Store({
modules: {
If you've already set up the store path, you can check it out with the following command:
gen-vuex-init --show-path
2. Create all Vuex files
gen-vuex-create <componentName>
This command will create all Vuex files you need for a specific component or view. Files will be created into the a folder named "modules", that will be located into the store path settled before.
If the store path folder doesn't exist, it will be created.
Remember, you need to settle the store path before with the gen-vuex-init command.
For example,
gen-vuex-create login
will create the folder "loginStore" and all files inside.
├── store/
├── store.js
├── modules/
├── loginStore
├── index.js (link all files state, actions, mutations, getters together into store.js)
├── state.js
├── actions.js
├── mutations.js
├── getters.js