Grunt, Express, Bootstrap, OAuth2 agent
Historically, the name gebo spoke to this software's underlying workflow and technology. I.e., Grunt, Express, Bootstrap, and OAuth2.
Now it is simply a name for the lowly artificial agent that is rocking your world.
Getting started
There are two ways to get a gebo server up and running:
But before all that, there are a few things you'll need...
Setting the stage
Install your database (MongoDB)
You're going to need MongoDB on your system, if you haven't got it already:
Start MongoDB by executing this at the command line:
sudo service mongodb start
If you don't have Node, you're not going anywhere:
sudo apt-get install nodejs
gebo-server requires the bcrypt package, which is compiled with g++:
sudo apt-get install g++
Node Package Manager is needed to install all of gebo-server's dependencies. It should be installed automatically along with Node (see above). If, for some reason, it wasn't, run:
sudo apt-get install npm
Install the Bower package manager globally with the -g
sudo npm install -g bower
Clone or npm?
As stated, there are two ways to obtain a gebo server...
1. Clone it
If you want to experiment or better understand gebo's inner workings, this is the option for you:
git clone
cd gebo-server
Once downloaded, install your npm modules:
sudo npm install
Then, install your UI dependencies:
bower install
2. Get it with npm
The gebo server offers all of the basic functionality expected of a communicative artificial agent. Your gebo's behaviour may be modified or supplemented without messing around with his basic skill set (yes, I said his).
This will get you up and running in no time:
mkdir myGebo
cd myGebo
npm init
Follow npm's setup instructions and then:
sudo npm install gebo-server --save
your SSL certificates
There are a couple of files already set up, but it's best that you create your own self-signed certificate:
cd cert
rm *
openssl genrsa -out key.pem
openssl req -new -key key.pem -out csr.pem
openssl x509 -req -days 9999 -in csr.pem -signkey key.pem -out cert.pem
rm csr.pem
cd ..
Seed the database
This step is for quick setup and development purposes. It creates a registered user, admin, and establishes a friendoship between them.
You may need to install grunt-cli first:
sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
This inserts a couple of test users into your database to confirm that authentication is working.
grunt dbseed
When you want to start adding your own users, you can erase the existing database like this:
grunt dbdrop
Run your server
node app.js
Agent-specific settings can be adjusted in gebo.json
. The properties are self-descriptive, and all are required.
currently takes one of three values:
: for development and debugging. This is the verbose logging
: for production. All basic server interactions will be
: no output will be written to the log files
Add agent
From the project directory...
Register agent
This is mostly for human agents who need traditional username/password access through some human-agent interface. A friendo does not need to be a registered agent, though a registered agent does need to be a friendo with permissions set to access any given gebo resource (unless that registered agent is an administrator, that is).
grunt registeragent:SomeGuy:[email protected]:password123:false
Friendo agent
A friendo is an agent to whom you may assign an access token.
grunt friendo:SomeGuy:[email protected]
Set permissions
The someaction parameter may also specify a database collection name.
grunt setpermission:[email protected]:someaction:false:false:true
Create token
This token allows an agent access to all the resources to which he's already been granted permission.
grunt createtoken:[email protected]:ThisIsMyTokenLetMeIn123
Hit me with it.