Simple way to upload and manage google drive files
Node Google Drive API
This is a simple google drive api using node. Accessing google drive api made simple using this node structure.
This is an open source repository and everyone is welcome to extend this repository with MIT License. This repository is using official google drive apis and made simple for further uses. Please visit for more information.
- Auto Auth
- Manual Authentication (Use your web or console validation)
- Upload File in root folder or specific folder
- List File
- Create Folder in root folder or specific folder
How to Use
Simple Clone this repository
- Go to
- Create a project if not yet created or choose existing one
- Click on Enable APIS and Services and enable gooogle drive api
- Click on Credentials (Right Sidebar menu)
- Click on create credential
- Select OAuth Client ID
- From Dropdown Application type select Tvs and Limited input device
- Click on Create
- Now on Credentials page click on download icon in OAuth 2.0 Client IDs section
- rename this to credentials.json
- open config.js inside modules folder and set the path for credential_path see modules folder function for help
Include index.js where you want to use
const drive = require('./index');
var config = require('./config'); ///your config file
Using NPM : npm i gdrive-node
- Follow the above procedure to get your credentials.json from the google developer console
- create a config.js file and paste :
exports.creds = "credentials.json"
- create app.js file and paste following code
const drive = require('gdrive-node');
var config = require('./config'); ///your config file
- you can also use .env file instead of config.js
Now Call the following functions to operate.
- Authentication
//do whatever you want to do with google api
- Upload file use 'false' as 5th parameter for root directory or pass folder id for parent folder id
drive.upload(config.creds, 'test123.pdf', 'files/test.pdf', 'application/pdf', false, function(data){
console.log('File uploaded successfully, File id is : '+ data);
- Create Folder : use 'false' for root directtory or pass folder id for parent folder id
drive.createFolder(config.creds,'my test folder', false, function(id){
- Manually Authentication
const readline = require('readline'); //for manually verification only
//Manual Authentication
console.log("You are already signed in, you can delete token.json to sign in from different accout");
//get the auth url by calling auth_manaual() function and get the code by clicking or redirecting to that code also you can usue a web check in form to get code
console.log('Click here:', auth_url);
const rl = readline.createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout,
rl.question('Enter the code from that page here: ', (code) => {
drive.saveAccessToken(code); //a separate function to save token