A shell command-line tool for easy backups by uploading, downloading and listing Google Drive files.
Use Google Drive from the command line
Install NodeJs and npm to use this package.
Install globally from npm:
npm install gdrive-backup -g
Create an application on Google Drive to get the credentials.json that needs to be sent with each request.
[](Access Google Api Authorization)
Click Enable the Drive Api button to create an application and download your credentials.
Currently the following three commands are available (all on the root location):
- Authorization with Google Drive
- Backup (upload) of a file
- Download of a backed up file
If a folder has to be backed up tar or similar compression programs should be used.
Backup a file
I file is uploaded using the backup option. The second argument adds a tag to the backup that is used to retrieve the backup.
gdrive-backup backup testupload.txt testtag -c mycredentials.json
Usage: backup [options] <path> <name>
Backup a specific folder with a backup name tag.
-c, --credentials-path <credentials-path> set [credentials-path] file path (default: credentials.json)
-t, --token-path <token> set [token] file path (default: token.json)
-s, --encryption-key <encryption-key> set [encryption-key] file path used for encryption (default: encryption-key)
--token-code <code> set token code needed to authorize the app
-h, --help output usage information
Download a file
After a successful backup the file can be downloaded using the provided name tag. If there are multiple files with the same tag, always the latest (newest) file is downloaded.
gdrive-backup download testtag -c mycredentials.json -d testupload.txt
Usage: download [options] <name>
Download latest backup with given name tag.
-d, --dest <file> set destination file
-c, --credentials-path <credentials-path> set [credentials-path] file path (default: credentials.json)
-t, --token-path <token> set [token] file path (default: token.json)
--token-code <code> set token code needed to authorize the app
--no-input set flag to not process user input (e.g. to input the authorization token in shell)
-h, --help output usage information
Storing and retrieving backups with properties
When backup is called the file is identified with the provided name tag. This tag is set as the backup_name property for the uploaded and created backup file on Google Drive to allow finding it within a folder.
The counterpart download searches for the newest backup ordering by addedTime desc and checking the property backup_name. If a directory is provided also the directory id is included. The final search query therefore looks like this:
properties has { key='backup_name' and value='name' } and 'folder_id' in parents
Next Steps
- Backup into folder
- Make tutorial about backup (download latest file from specific folder)
- Instruction steps for token verification
- Name files automatically