Simple Node Script for converting Wordpress XML export of Posts to Gatsby blogposts 🤟
Migrate from Wordpress without pain!
Huge community is migrating from Wordpress to Gatsby, especially developers. In order to migrate with ease and out of my pain I created this tool.
With gatsby-wordpress-migrate
you can convert all your wordpress posts to gatsby-blog compatible in a fraction of a command.
🚀 Quick start
Install this package globally or to your project with npm or yarn.
# Install gatsby-wordpress-migrate globally with yarn
yarn global add gatsby-wordpress-migrate
# Install gatsby-wordpress-migrate locally with yarn and make it a dev dependency
yarn add -D gatsby-wordpress-migrate
Heads up. To download all the Wordpress posts of yours, login to your Wordpress dashboard, go to Tools > Export
and then download export file with your posts.
Add this code at the end of the functions.php (on wordpress, go to Appearance > Editor > functions.php) of your wordpress theme to export the <p>
tags so we'll be able to make your text breath (otherwise they are not exported and we won't be able to say when paragraphs start/end) ;)
function codelight_content_export($content) {
return wpautop($content);
add_filter('the_content_export', 'codelight_content_export', 999);
Run the CLI commands wordpress2gatsby
and let it guide you or run it with the following syntax.
wordpress2gatsby <XML filename> <destination folder>
# Example: wordpress2gatsby wordpressdata.xml content/blog
🧐 Example
🤟 Help it grow
You can jump in and contribute directly or file an issue in order to start exploring more opportunities/edge cases
To file the issue just follow the instructions 📃