<p align="center"> <img width='200px' alt="Gatsby Theme" src="" />
This Plugin is a union of two worlds 🌓 the old WordPress and the new MDX. You can use WP, MDX or both
- Theme UI-based theming
- react-animated-css
- MDX source
- WP source
Only 3 Steps 🤯
1.- Installation ⛏
npm install gatsby-theme-wordpress-mdx
2.- Configuration ⚙
// gatsby-config.js
siteMetadata: {
title: 'MDX WP',
description: 'It is a WP with MDX blog ',
keywords: ['GatsbyJs', 'React', 'theme-ui'],
siteURL: '', // No trailing slash allowed!
siteImage: '/preview.png', // Path to your image you placed in the 'static' folder
twitterUsername: '@CArtezan',
author: {
name: 'Cesar Artezan'
plugins: [
resolve: 'gatsby-theme-wordpress-mdx',
// Requiered
sourceWordpress: {
sourcePost: true, // if true install gatsby-source-wordpress
sourcePage: true, // if true install gatsby-source-wordpress
// Requiered
sourceMdxPosts: true, // if true create `src/posts`
logo: `src/images/logo.svg` // This path is relative to the root of the site.
3.- Folder Structure 📁
is required, in this file you can generate the landing pagesrc/page
is required, it is without "s" because mdx pluginsrc/sections
is required but it could be empty, this folder is for the sections imported in index.mdx
│ gatsby-config.js
│ └───gatsby-plugin-theme-ui
│ │ │ index.js
│ └───posts
│ │ │ mdx files
│ └───page
│ │ │ mdx files
│ └───sections
│ │ │ mdx files
│ └───images
│ │ │ png jpg svg files
│ │ │ logo.svg
│ │ index.mdx
│ file021.png
│ favicon.ico
And that's it, now you can start code in index.mdx your landing page and the others page in src/page
Advance options
Theme options ⚙️
| Keys | Child Keys | Type | Required | Description |
| ----------------- | ----------------- | --------- | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| sourceWordpress
| | Obj | True ✅ | Turn on/off the source of page or post of WP |
| | sourcePost
| Boolean | False | true
if you want to use wp post source, requires gatsby-source-wordpress
| | sourcePage
| | False | true
if you, want to use wp page source, requires gatsby-source-wordpress
| sourceMdxPosts
| | Boolean | True ✅ | true
if you, want to use mdx post source |
| headerHeight
| | Number | False | px of the header bar, default 64 px |
| sideBarWidth
| | Number | False | px of the side bar, default 240 px |
| navButtonTheme
| | Obj | Flase | This key is for the btn that change the colors modes of the themes Color modes |
| | showButtonTheme
| Boolean | False | Show the btn |
| | text
| String | False | Text inside the btn, otherwise it will show the name of the theme |
| | colorsModes
| String[ ] | False | This Array contains the posible themes, otherwise it will show all the themes |
| colorModes
| | Obj | False | Use this obj if you want to set as default a specific theme |
| | default
| String | False | Name of the theme |
| logo
| | String | False | This path is relative to the root of the site. And show the logo in the header bar | |
Example usage 🔎
// gatsby-config.js
resolve: 'gatsby-theme-wordpress-mdx',
// Requiered
sourceWordpress: {
sourcePost: true,
sourcePage: true,
// Requiered
sourceMdxPosts: true,
// config optional
headerHeight: 64,
sideBarWidth: 240,
navButtonTheme: {
showButtonTheme: true
text: 'Change',
colorsModes: ['deep', 'purple']
colorModes: {
default: 'gray'
logo: `src/images/logo.svg` // This path is relative to the root of the site.
Additional configuration ⚙️
In addition to the theme options, there are a handful of items you can customize via the siteMetadata
object in your site's gatsby-config.js
// gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
siteMetadata: {
title: 'MDX WP',
description: 'It is a WP with MDX blog ',
keywords: ['GatsbyJs', 'React', 'theme-ui'],
siteURL: '',
// Used for og:image and must be placed inside the `static` folder
siteImage: '/preview.png'
For preview img see developer twitter
Extending Themes and Colors 🦄
Please read the guide Shadowing in Gatsby Themes and Extending a theme to understand how to customize the this theme! Generally speaking you will want to place your files into src/@artezan/gatsby-theme-wordpress-mdx/
to shadow/override files. The Theme UI config can be configured by shadowing its files in src/gatsby-plugin-theme-ui/
Colors Helpers
In src/gatsby-plugin-theme-ui/index.js
this is the basic colors keys
colors: {
// Color of headers
text: '#ffffff',
// Color of <p>
textSecondary: '#ccd0d6',
// color of hover button and placeholder
textMuted: '#667284',
primary: '#04d0d9',
secondary: '#FBF8EF',
muted: '#262c35',
background: '#353e4a',
transparent: `rgba(0,0,0,0)`,
imgShadow: '11px 7px 20px 12px rgb(0, 0, 0)',
shadowCard: '',
backgroundNavBar: '#353e4a',
backgroundSideBar: '#353e4a',
activeTextBar: '#FBF8EF',
textBar: '#04d0d9',
backgroundCard: '#262c35',
borderRadiusCard: 1,
For advance options
colors: {
text: '#ffffff',
textSecondary: '#ccd0d6',
textMuted: '#667284',
primary: '#04d0d9',
secondary: '#FBF8EF',
muted: '#262c35',
background: '#353e4a',
// box-shadow for imgon landing
imgShadow: '11px 7px 20px 12px rgb(0, 0, 0)',
// box-shadow for all the cards
shadowCard: '',
// background-color for the navbar
backgroundNavBar: 'background',
//background-color for side bar
backgroundSideBar: 'background',
// color for active item
activeTextBar: 'secondary',
// color for items on side and header bar
textBar: 'primary',
// border for cards
borderRadiusCard: 1,
// background-color for cards
backgroundCard: 'muted',
// :hover for cards
hoverCard: {
filter: 'brightness(105%)'
// :focus for Link
onClickLink: {},
// :focus for cards
onClickCard: { filter: 'brightness(105%)' }
Editing the content 🗒️
In src/index.mdx
must have at least:
title: index
layout: landing
Your landing page here
Not matter what kind of file, you can add a Fluid IMG in the front matter like this:
nameImage: about-image1.jpg
## Title
And then acces to the imagen with props.imagesFluid['about-image1.jpg']
nameImage: [about-image1.jpg, about-image2.jpg]
## Title
And then acces to the imagen with props.imagesFluid['about-image2.jpg']
General Variable
Inside src/index.mdx
you can access to this variable:
Array of IMG in the front matter imagesFluid[nameImg.png]props.context
Contex of Theme ui see contextprops.colorMode
Color Modeprops.setColorMode
Set Colorprops.allMdxWpPosts
Array of all postprops.allMdxWpPages
Array of all Pages
Short Codes
- All the short codes have the
prop for styles see sx-prop
| Code | props | description |
| -------------------------------------------- | ----------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| <AboutLayout />
| | Layout for about section |
| | sx | style |
| | aboutImageFluid | Fluid Img |
| <AllPosts />
| | Returns a list of cards with all posts |
| | numOfPosts | number of the post to show |
| | showSearchBar | Show a search bar that filter by tags |
| <BgImage />
| | For more info see (gatsby-background-image)[] |
| <ButtonTheme /> | | Change the colors modes |
| | themes | Array of the posible themes, if it dont set returns all the themes |
| | Children | Text of the btn, otherwise the txt of the btn will be the name of the theme |
| | Container with max-width |
| FeaturesWrapper | | Flex container for features |
| | Layout for feature sections, this will show a img on the top and text on the bottom |
| | featureImageFluid | Fluid img for feature |
| | Short code for
gatsby-image |
| |
divtag with sx props |
` | | Generate a btn icon that redirect to a social link (facebook, twitter, etc) |
| | | |