Easily spin up a static documentation site with Docz and Netlify CMS
Gatsby Starter for Docz & Netlify CMS
Easily spin up a new documentation site with the power of Docz and Netlify CMS.
Here's What You Get
- Docz Documentation engine powered by Gatsby
- Netlify CMS Content management
Quick Start with Netlify
Deploy to Netlify
Note: This will request Github access and will create a repository for you
Enable & Configure Netlify Identity for Authentication
- Navigate to Identity in the Netlify navigation
- Click Enable Identity
- Click Invite Users and enter your first user's email
- Click Settings & Usage
- Optional: If you'd like to close registration, scroll to Registration Preferences and change to Invite Only
- Scroll down to Git Gateway and click Enable
- You're ready to register and log in!
Once the invited user completes registration via the link in their email, they'll be able to log in via:
https://[your site]
Need more help?
Visit the deployed documentation!