Gatsby source plugin for fetching all your instagram media
⚛️📸 Gatsby source plugin to fetch ALL your instagram media from Instagram API + Gatsby Image support.
yarn add gatsby-source-instagram-all
- Add this configuration to your gatsby-config.js:
resolve: `gatsby-source-instagram-all`,
options: {
access_token: "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN",
👓 Watch this video if you're having trouble generating your access token.
How to use
Query data like this:
query myQuery {
allInstagramContent {
edges {
node {
localFile {
childImageSharp {
gatsbyImageData(layout: CONSTRAINED, placeholder: BLURRED)
album {
localFile {
childImageSharp {
gatsbyImageData(layout: CONSTRAINED, placeholder: BLURRED)
Graphql fields
| Field Name | Description | | ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | caption | The Media's caption text | | localFile | The local image. | | id | The Media's ID. | | media_type | The Media's type. Can be IMAGE, VIDEO, or CAROUSEL_ALBUM. | | media_url | The Media's URL. | | permalink | The Media's permanent URL. Will be omitted if the Media contains copyrighted material, or has been flagged for a copyright violation. | | thumbnail_url | The Media's thumbnail image URL. Only available on VIDEO Media. | | timestamp | The Media's publish date in ISO 8601 format. | | username | The Media owner's username. | | album | The CAROUSEL_ALBUM media. Has the same fields as the root media node |
Plugin Options
| Option | Type | Description | | ------------- | ----------------- | ------------------------------------------------------ | | access_token | string | Your access token | | limit | number (optional) | Limit number of posts. Default is infinity | | pageLimit | number (optional) | Limit number of posts fetched per request. Default is 30 |
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch
git checkout -b feature/fooBar
- Commit your changes
git commit -am 'Add some fooBar'
- Push to the branch
git push origin feature/fooBar
- Create a new Pull Request