Google Apps Script Import/Export Helper for nodejs
Google Apps Script Import/Export Helper for nodejs
you may install this plugin with this command:
npm install gas-manager --save
if you need gas-manager cli, please run below command:
npm install -g gas-manager
Getting Started
gas-manager requiered refresh-token of Google API.
Please get refresh-token with below scopes.
gas-manager provide generator of the refresh-token.
Please run with this command:
gas init
Or if you need get it yourown, please refference here.
gas-manager support Command Line Interface.
Prepare credential file.
In order to use CLI of gas-manager, it will be necessary to create credential and project-setting file.
You can create these files by running this command
gas init
Credential File
The credential file retain Google OAuth2 properties, thease are client id, client secret and refresh token.
that default path is {USER_HOME}/gas-credential.json
If you need change that, please add -c /path/to/credentialfile
option when running command.
gas-manager need this file each your account.
Then credential file should be like below.
Caution! credential file inculde refresh_token, it should not publish.
"client_id": "your client_id , getting from Googe API Console",
"client_secret": "your client_secret , getting from Googe API Console",
"refresh_token":"your refresh_token, please see the adove link",
Project Setting File
The project-setting file retain gas project settings, thease are source mapping between gas project and your local file, gas project fileId.
that default path is ./gas-project.json
If you need change that, please add -s /path/to/project-settingfile
option when running command.
If you do not need create this file, please add -S "gas-project-filename:/path/to/yourlocalfile ..."
option like below.
gas upload -f {gas-project fileId} -S "code:./src/main/js/code.js index:./src/main/view/index.html"
Then credential file should be like below.
"enviroment name": {
"fileId" : "target Google Drive's fileId of google apps script project",
"files" : {
"filename on GAS Project, it should not include extension like .gs" : {
"path" : "path/to/yourlocalfile.js",
"type" : "file type, server_js or html"
"src": {
"fileId" : "1jdu8QQcKZ5glzOaJnofi2At2Q-2PnLLKxptN0CTRVfgfz9ZIopD5sYXz",
"files" : {
"index.html" : {
"path" : "src/main/view/index.html.js",
"type" : "html"
"test2": {
"path" : "src/main/gs/test2.js",
"type" : "server_js"
"classes": {
"path" : "src/main/gs/api/classes.js",
"type" : "server_js"
"test": {
"fileId" : "testfileid",
"files" : {
"test2Spec": {
"path" : "src/test/gs/test2Spec.js",
"type" : "server_js"
"classesSpec": {
"path" : "src/test/gs/api/code.js",
"type" : "server_js"
Show help
$ gas --help
Init Command
command generate credential file and project-setting file with interactive interface.
Make credential and project-setting files.
$ gas init
Make a only project-setting file.
$ gas init -P
Download Command
command is downloading GAS Project to your local.
Show help of download
$ gas download --help
Download GAS Project to local.
$ gas download
gas download
command always override local sources.
option is default save path for downloading sources. if gas filename is not set in credential, this path is used.
Change the credential file path
$ gas download -p src/main/ -c /path/to/credentialfile.json
Note the default credential file path is
Change the project file path
$ gas download -s /path/to/projectsettingfilepath
Change the enviroment
$ gas download -p src/main/ -c /path/to/credentialfile.json -e test
Note the default enviroment is
Download files without project file
$ gas download -S "code:/path/to/localfile index:/path/to/localfile"
Force download
$ gas download --force
Note the
option is downloading files if a server file is not defined at the project setting file.
that download to current directory. if you need change this path, please use-p /path/to/basepath
Upload Command
command is uploading your local files to Google Drive's GAS Project.
Show help of upload
$ gas upload --help
Upload your local files to to Google Drive's GAS Project
$ gas upload
Note The
command upload files written in credential file. if file is not exist in credential file, it is not uploaded.
Upload files without project file
$ gas upload -S "code:/path/to/localfile index:/path/to/localfile"
Upload your local files and delete GAS Project file, that does not exist in credential file.
$ gas upload --force
Change credential file path
$ gas upload -c path/to/credentialfile.json
Note the default credential file path is
Change the enviroment
$ gas upload -e test
Note the default enviroment is
Using gas-manager as nodejs module
Create new Project
#!/usr/bin/env node
var Manager = require('gas-manager').Manager;
var manager = new Manager({
'refresh_token' : 'refresh-token of OAuth2 for Google API',
'client_id' : 'client_id of OAuth2 for Google API',
'client_secret' : 'client_secret of OAuth2 for Google API',
var gasProject = manager.createProject('project name');
'file name',
'server_js', //it should be 'server_js' or 'html'
'function test(){ Logger.log("hoge");}' //source code
'index', //filename should not include extention
'html', //it should be 'server_js' or 'html'
'<div>Hello</div>' //source code
function(err, project, response){
if(err) {
throw new Error(err)
Update exist Project
#!/usr/bin/env node
var Manager = require('gas-manager').Manager;
var manager = new Manager({
'refresh_token' : 'refresh-token of OAuth2 for Google API',
'client_id' : 'client_id of OAuth2 for Google API',
'client_secret' : 'client_secret of OAuth2 for Google API',
manager.getProject('file id at google drive', function(res, gasProject){
var gasFile = gasProject.getFileByName("filename");
gasFile.source +="//test";
'file name',
'server_js', //it should be 'server_js' or 'html'
'function test(){ Logger.log("hoge");}' //source code
//change file contents
name : "hoge",
type : "html",
source : "huga"
.changeFile("name2", {source : "huga2"}) // changeFile only change setting property
.renameFile("before filename" , "after filename")
.deleteFile("target Filename")
.deploy(function(err, project, response){
if(err) {
throw new Error(err)
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.
Release History
- Support appsscript.json
- Support TeamDrive
- Thx @fossamagna
- Bugfix release.
- Right now, realy not need gas-project.json, if add option -S
- Add
command - Divide config file to credential file and project-setting file.
- Add
option for running with out project-setting file.
- Fix critical bug.
- Fixed that the
gas upload
command write wrong file.
- Fixed that the
- Add support command line interface.
gas download
gas upload
- Change interface , fit for nodejs.
- First release
- Add supporting crypting credential file.
- Add supporting cli of creating new project like
gas create
- Add Grunt plugin, but it may be another repository.
Copyright (c) 2013 Keisuke Oohashi
Licensed under the MIT license.