backend tool for recording and reverting ganache snapshots.
Ganache Snapshot
This plugin provides an easy and robut way to make and revert ganache snapshots for smart contract development. Generally speaking, this is a development tool for testing long sequences of transactions.
Installing the Plugin
To install the latest stable version from NPM:
$ npm install -g ganache-snapshot
Configuration & Usage
Currently, the plugin must be activated on a per-project basis. If ganache-snapshot
was installed to the Truffle project root, it will attempty to automatically include itself into truffle-config.js
. If installed globally, you will need to manually add the following to truffle-config.js
in the root directory of your Truffle project to enable the plugin:
module.exports = {
plugins: [ "ganache-snapshot" ]
Note also that, currently, the development
network of the truffle configuration should be uncommented.
That is, development network is the hardcoded web3Provider and is expected to be declared.
Usage Example - CLI
# Make sure that Ganache is running (in a separate terminal)
SNAP_ID=$(truffle run snapshot make)
# send some transaction...
truffle run snapshot revert $SNAP_ID
Usage Example - truffle test
An example contract has been provided here and the use case is found in test/example.js
with description.
Essentially, the recipe to follow is;
const myContract = artifacts.require("SomeContract")
const { makeSnapshot, revertSnapshot } = require("ganache-snapshot")
const example = await // Deploy contract
const snapID = (await makeSnapshot(web3)).result // Take a snapshot and keep returned ID
await example.sendTranaction() // Send TX
await revertSnapshot(snapID, web3) // revert snapshot (by ID)