Standalone gallery pane module with swipe slider and social integration
Standalone gallery pane module with swipe slider and social integration. Supports AMD and CommonJS module integration.
You can view DEMO HERE.
Demo install
- git clone
- npm install
- bower install
- open "/demo/"
Main files:
- /dist/gallery.css
- /dist/script.js
Invoke example:
var gallery = new Gallery({
data: jsonData,
rootUrl: '/demo',
historyAPI: false,
thumbsIconClass: 'iconRpl gridIcon',
closeIconClass: 'iconRpl closeIcon'
Invoke example with advertising enabled:
var gallery = new Gallery({
data: jsonData,
rootUrl: '/demo',
historyAPI: false,
thumbsIconClass: 'iconRpl gridIcon',
closeIconClass: 'iconRpl closeIcon'.
shouldShowAdvertising: function(counter) {
//return if advertising can be shown (eg. for advertisnin on fifth click -> "return counter === 5;")
advertisingTemplate: function(counter) {
//return HTML for banner
whenAdvertisingElementReady: function(counter, banner) {
//invoked after banner HTML is appended to gallery
//this is place for async banner invocation
JSON data example:
var jsonData = [
title: 'slika 1',
large: '',
thumb: '',
url: '/slika-1',
author: 'Marky Mark',
source: 'Rolling Stone',
social: {
facebook: { count: 12 }
title: 'slika 2',
large: '',
thumb: '',
url: '/slika-2',
author: 'Marky Mark',
source: 'Rolling Stone',
social: {
facebook: { count: 225 }
title: 'slika 3',
large: '',
thumb: '',
url: '/slika-3',
author: 'Marky Mark',
source: 'Rolling Stone',
social: {
facebook: { count: 145 }