Basic controllers package for use with GaiaJs
Welcome to Gaia-Js!
Gaia-js is a NodeJs library for climate control in terrariums, aquariums, vivariums and grow rooms using a RaspberryPi
Getting Started
To start using GaiaJs you only need to install the main module:
npm install gaia-js
After install the core module you need to install the controllers module for add basic functionality:
npm install gaia-js-controllers
PID controller
The best way to control values like temperature or humidity is using a PID controller:
var Gaia = require('gaia-js');
var PidController = require('gaia-js-controllers').PidController;
// Create the new PID controller
var temperatureZone1 = new PidController({
name: 'Temperature_Zone1',
input: temperature, // The temperature input usually obtained from a sensor
setPoint: 23, // The desired temperature
kp: 500, // PID algorithm settings
ki: 200,
kd: 0,
limits: { // The output limits used for control the temperature
outMin: 0,
outMax: 255
// Add the controller callback
temperatureZone1.addOnComputeCallback(function(controller, output) {
controller.setInput(temperature); // Update the controller input
// Use the PID output to modify the desired value
// Add the controller to the GaiaJs core
// Start GaiaJs
The use of this controller is recommended whenever is possible to adjust the output level of the device used to control the desired values
You can change the PID direction in the constructor options or with the direction setter:
var temperatureZone1 = new PidController({
name: 'Temperature_Zone1',
direction: PidController.REVERSE
Level controller
The use of this controller is recommended when the device used to control the desired values have only on/off states.
var Gaia = require('gaia-js');
var LevelController = require('gaia-js-controllers').LevelController;
// Create the new PID controller
var humidityZone1 = new LevelController({
name: 'Humidity_Zone1',
input: humidity, // The humidity input usually obtained from a sensor
setPoint: 80 // The desired humidity
// Add the controller callback
humidityZone1.addOnCheckLevelCallback(function(controller, levelExceed) {
controller.setInput(humidity); // Update the controller input
// Use the PID output to modify the desired value
if(levelExceed) {
// The humidity is over the desired value
} else {
// The humidity is under the desired value
// Add the controller to the GaiaJs core
// Start GaiaJs
Time interval controller
Use this controller to perform actions depending on a time interval, such as turning lights on and off
var Gaia = require('gaia-js');
var TimeIntervalController = require('gaia-js-controllers').TimeIntervalController;
// Create the new Time Interval controller
var mainLightsControl = new TimeIntervalController({
name: 'Main_Lights_Control',
intervals: [
start: '17:06',
end: '17:07'
start: '17:08',
end: '17:09'
// Add the controller tick callback
mainLightsControl.addOnTickCallback(function(isInInterval) {
if(isInInterval) {
// Switch lights on
} else {
// Switch lights off
// Add the controller to the GaiaJs core
// Start GaiaJs
Author Vicente Giner Tendero