A simple project manager made with Node JS.
About The Project
A simple project manager made with Node JS. Currently in the form of CLI, soon in the form of an Electron application offering voice recognition.
Built With
Getting Started
Here are the simple steps to install and use gabum:
Gabum needs some other softwares to work. Here is a list of them and where to install them.
- nodejs: Okay, it's basically the runner of the code
- yarn: Just a NodeJs Package Manager like npm. You can use another if you want.
- git: You should probably already have it installed, it's usefull to push your code to github.
- gh: The official cli of githyb, usefull to create repository remotely
Install CLI with yarn
yarn global add gabum
Or with npm (no judgments)
npm install -g gabum
Create a new project
$ gabum project create
Follow the instructions
Open a project
$ gabum project open
Follow the instructions
$ gabum open My-Super-Project --with ide
Opening project in VSCode, for example
Get additional help
$ gabum --help [COMMAND]
$ gabum COMMAND
Other commands
I'll yet Oclif explain you how the other commands work.
Command Topics
gabum config
- Configure Gabum CLIgabum help
- Display help for gabum.gabum project
- Project Managementgabum test
- Test commandgabum upgrade
- upgrade the package to the last versiongabum which
- Show which plugin a command is in.
- [x] Project Creation
- [x] Open Project
- [x] Use a New Readme Template (like in templates)
- [x] Configuration
- [x] New Config Manager
- [x] Config Hook
- [x] Config Command
- [x] Implementation
- [x] Base Command
- [x] Logger
- [x] Config wrapper
- [x] Prompt Wrapper
- [x] Implementation
- [x] Template Definitions
- [x] List
- [x] Prompter
- [x] Project Definitions Storage
- [x] In User Configs
- [x] In Project
- [x] Delete Command
- [ ] More Templates
- [x] Blank
- [x] Simple JS
- [x] Simple TS
- [ ] Discord JS
- [ ] Discord TS
- [ ] CLI JS
- [ ] CLI TS
- [ ] CLI Oclif
- [ ] API JS
- [ ] API TS
- [ ] API Adonis
- [ ] Website
- [ ] VueJs
- [ ] ReactJs
- [ ] Find Ideas
- [ ] Some Coding Tools
- [ ] Line Counter
- [ ] Publish Command
- [ ] Readme Generator
- [ ] Find Ideas
- [ ] Electron App
- [ ] Voice Recognition
See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!
More infos in
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.
Galitan - @Galitan33 - [email protected]
Discord: Send me a private message - Join my server
Project Link:
- Progress Bar Generator - CC0 - Public Domain
- Raraph84 for just being a friend