Tool for GIT + REPO + JIRA automations. Currently it's specifically designed to work with Slack, Gitlab and the Jira of Pitech+Plus and Summit.
Tool for GIT + REPO + JIRA automations. Currently it's specifically designed to work with Slack, Gitlab and the Jira of Pitech+Plus and Summit.
NOTE: This tool is highly unstable and potential bugs always come up since it depends on 3rd party UI.
The tool uses selenium webdriver and it connects to chrome. Every action opens one or more instances of browsers to perform the otherwise manual operations. It cannot do authentications so any page visited that requires that you first login. When starting a task and you have to login, in many cases after you've logged in you will have to retry the command.
.- Chrome browser to be installed.
- User account on dependent sites: pitech gitlab or bitbucket, source+target JIRA, slack.
- Manual login and relogin when sessions expire on the start of the automation.
- For commands that run in git repository branch names need to respect the following
formats: .*(story|[-_]{1}task|bug)/([A-Za-z]+-[0-9]+).*.
Ex: story/INCHD-1111_some_description_of_branch. Only this way can the tool map your
branch and commits to a JIRA task. The
command creates branch name respecting this format.
- Install npm packages:
npm install -g fzuzzy-workflo
- Run the configuration helper. Provide the values carefully.
Commands that need to be used from the git repository directory:
wfs [task-id] [tracking-branch]
- Creates new branch for task with standard {task_type}/{task_id}_{description}
- Puts task in progress in jira if it can.
wfp [log-hours?]
- Pushes to HEAD and creates merge request.
- Posts it in code reviews slack channel.
- Puts the task in code review status in jira if it can.
- Logs time in hours on task if second argument provided.
wfc [description] [log-hours?]
- Shorthand for commit which adds task ID automatically to log description.
- Logs time in hours on jira task if second argument provided.
wfl [log-hour]
- Logs time on jira task based on current commit description.
Commands usable globally:
- Configures this tool by CLI form.
- Cleans save cookies. Can be useful with CSRF or session problems. You will have to re-login after this on sites.
wfclonelog [fromDate?] [toDate?]
- Clones logs from Summit JIRA to pitech JIRA, so that you only have to manually add logs to one jira.
- Gathers data from source, outputs the logs that will be created and awaits confirmation whether to proceed to create those logs in the target jira.
- Reads from the configuration you provided the default target task and mappings based on task ID and task job ID (task job ID has higher priority).
- From date and to date default to end and start of current week. Date format YYYY-mm-dd.
- If to date equals friday then the approval for the billing week is submitted. Also adds as comment a random joke so that the reviewer has a better time :).
- Optionally you can provide the exact dates to clone in cases like where only part of the week needs to be cloned or when weekends have logs as well.
Upcomming features
- Checking for missing hours in clone log and in that case aborting the week submission.
- Maybe support for different messaging apps: +Skype.
Release notes
NOTE!!: After upgrading to minor or major versions always run
- Update chrome driver 93^.
- Add new inchcape ui jira handler.
- Fix and imporve bitbucket PR handler.
- Update chrome driver 91^.
- Update chrome driver for chrome 87.x.
- Update action IDs for summit jira to set in code review and progress.
- Improve summit clone log.
- Fix same site None cookie regression.
- Fix worklog integration issue with Summit Jira.
- Fix cookie issue with Summit Jira not properly retaining session.
- Added login screen detection to not require restart of the commands when not logged in.
- Fixed integration issue with log cloning from Summit.
- Fix log cloning issue.
- Add addition cloning information before confirmation.
- Chromedriver update for v85 support.
- Added support for multiple source JIRA handlers. Refactored summit one and added inchcape one.
- Various fixes in source jira handlers and bitbucket handler.
- Improvements on slack merge request printing format.
1.4.1 - 1.4.2
- Security update.
- Fix integration with bitbucket for MR creation using the new UI.
1.3.5 - 1.4.0
- Updated chromedriver and NODE required version to >= 10.
- Removed unnecessary selenium-standalone package.
- Fixed some security issues.
- Fixed issue with sameSite='None' cookies issue.
- Added command for clearing saved cookies in case of cookie related issues.
- Improved error logging in console.
- Extended wait times on jira cloning into target because of timeouts.
- Fix for the clone logger not being able to create the target logs since it lands on the wrong calendar page rather than the timesheet page.
- Hotfix for cases when the browser terminates early.
- Fixed issue with billing week submission not working properly.
- Fixed issue where worklog time was failing to input in the field for
. - Added support for
type of stories in JIRA forwfs
- Fix issue with merge request URL not being written correctly to slack.
- Additional timeout increases for bitbucket operations.
- Update chrome driver to v80.
- Improved speed of additions and removals calculation for bitbucket.
- Fixed issue where slack was not including last character in MR URL.
- Fixed issues where bitbucket was to slow and causing fails.
- Fixed issue where bitbucket could not display changes because of too many changes and it would fail.
- Added option to configure which mapping should be with higher priority when cloning logs.
- Added support for creating merge requests with bitbucket.