Provides logging via pino, and transport to elasticsearch
Provides a pino logger that ships its logs to elasticsearch, with rotating index support.
See Configuration for details on the logger plugin config options.
Use the HydraExpressLogger
plugin for Hydra Express apps:
const HydraExpressLogger = require('fwsp-logger').HydraExpressLogger;
hydraExpress.use(new HydraExpressLogger());
hydraExpress.appLogger.info('information', {and: 'an object', with: 'some stuff'});
hydraExpress.appLogger.error({err: new Error('this will log a stack trace')});
// in a request handler
req.log.info('this will also log information about the current request');
req.log.error({err: new Error('this will log a stack trace')});
with corresponding entry in config.json:
"hydra": {
"plugins": {
"logger": {
"serviceName": "foo-service",
"toConsole": false,
"noFile": true,
"elasticsearch": {
"host": "localhost",
"port": 9200,
"index": "local-dev"
Or, use the HydraLogger
plugin for Hydra services:
const HydraLogger = require('fwsp-logger').HydraLogger;
let hydraLogger = new HydraLogger();
let log = hydraLogger.getLogger();
// use via hydra (recommended)
hydra.log('info', 'some info');
hydra.log('error', 'just a message, no stack trace');
// or use directly - useful if you need a stack trace
log.info('some info');
log.error({err: new Error('error with stack trace')});
log.error('just a message, no stack trace');
General usage (outside of Hydra):
const PinoLogger = require('fwsp-logger').PinoLogger,
logger = new PinoLogger(
serviceName: 'my-app', /* required - name of the app writing logs */
logPath: '/custom/log-file.log', /* optional, defaults to ${cwd()}/serviceName.log */
elasticsearch: {
host: 'your.elasticsearch.host.com',
port: 9200,
index: 'local-dev'
const appLogger = logger.getLogger();
appLogger.error({err: 'An error happened'}); // pass {err} literal for proper error serialization
message: 'Something else happened',
details: {
foo: 'bar',
answer: 42
| Field | Description | Required | Default
| --- | --- | ---| ---
| serviceName | Name of the service doing the logging | N | hydra.serviceName
| logPath | Path to log to if !noFile | N | service/servicename.log
| toConsole | Log to console (stdout)? | N | true
| noFile | Don't write log to disk | N | false
| redact | Fields to redact (e.g. passwords, credit card numbers, etc.) | N | []
| elasticsearch | Connection object for ElasticSearch | N | none
| rotate | How often to rotate ES index [daily\|monthly\|yearly]
| N | No rotation by default
To make sure logs are getting shipped to Elasticsearch, you can spin up docker containers with ES and Kibana using the docker-compose.yml file in this repository.
You will need docker and
docker-compose installed,
then in this project folder, launch docker-compose up
You'll need to set up an Elasticsearch index in Kibana
before you'll be able to view logs, which should be the value of
in above examples),
or pino
by default.
If you don't have any index patterns set up, Kibana won't let you proceed without adding one. Otherwise, to add additional indices, go to Settings -> Indices.
Licensed under MIT.