A sub navigation component generated from page content.
This module searches website content for headings and creates an ordered list to provide within-page navigation links. The module makes no stylistic assumptions; you'll have to bring your own CSS. This code is based on scrollnav by jimmynotjim.
To ease development we use npm scripts to compile JS with browserify/watchify:
First, install the project dependencies:
npm install
To quickly build the project and watch files for changes during development:
npm run watchify
To build a production ready version of the app use:
npm run build
To visualize packages contributing to bundle file size:
npm run inspect:bundle
- headingTag (string): The HTML tag used to generate the scroll nav list (default: 'h2')
- content (selector or DOM node): The content area that should be searched for heading tags (default: document.body)
- target (selector or DOM node): The location where the scroll nav list should be appended (default: document.body)
- fixedClass (string): The class appended to the nav as it begins to scroll out of view (default: 'fixed'),
- fixedMargin (integer): The top dimension offset used to determine when to append the 'fixed' class (default: 40),
- offset (integer): How much top margin is left when scrolling to a heading (default: 40)
This project is based on scrollnav by jimmynotjim, which carries an MIT License.