small, standalone fuzzy search / fuzzy filter. browser or node
(this is a fork of mattyork/fuzzy, published as the fuzzy-mb package on npm. read all instructions below as referring to fuzzy-mb)
1k standalone fuzzy search / fuzzy filter a la Textmate and Sublime Text's command-T fuzzy file search. Node or browser.
Get it
$ npm install fuzzy
$ node
> var fuzzy = require('fuzzy');
> console.log(fuzzy)
{ test: [Function],
match: [Function],
filter: [Function] }
<script src="/path/to/fuzzy.js"></script>
// Object >
// filter: function (pattern, arr, opts) {
// match: function (pattern, string, opts) {
// test: function (pattern, string) {
Use it
Padawan: Simply filter an array of strings.
var list = ['baconing', 'narwhal', 'a mighty bear canoe'];
var results = fuzzy.filter('bcn', list)
var matches = results.map(function(el) { return el.string; });
// [ 'baconing', 'a mighty bear canoe' ]
Jedi: Wrap matching characters in each string
var list = ['baconing', 'narwhal', 'a mighty bear canoe'];
var options = { pre: '<', post: '>' };
var results = fuzzy.filter('bcn', list, options)
// [
// {string: '<b>a<c>o<n>ing' , index: 0, score: 3, original: 'baconing'},
// {string: 'a mighty <b>ear <c>a<n>oe', index: 2, score: 3, original: 'a mighty bear canoe'}
// ]
Jedi Master: sometimes the array you give is not an array of strings. You can pass in a function that creates the string to match against from each element in the given array
var list = [
{rompalu: 'baconing', zibbity: 'simba'}
, {rompalu: 'narwhal' , zibbity: 'mufasa'}
, {rompalu: 'a mighty bear canoe', zibbity: 'saddam hussein'}
var options = {
pre: '<'
, post: '>'
, extract: function(el) { return el.rompalu; }
var results = fuzzy.filter('bcn', list, options);
var matches = results.map(function(el) { return el.string; });
// [ '<b>a<c>o<n>ing', 'a mighty <b>ear <c>a<n>oe' ]
Check out the html files in the examples directory
Code is well documented and the unit tests cover all functionality
Fork the repo!
git clone <your_fork>
cd fuzzy
npm install -d
Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint, test, and minify using make, then shoot me a pull request.
Release History
v0.1.0 - July 25, 2012
Copyright (c) 2015 Matt York Licensed under the MIT license.
- Search improvement: behave a bit more like sublime text by getting
the BEST match in a given string, not just the first. For example,
searching for 'bass' in 'bodacious bass' should match against 'bass',
but it currently matches like so:
<b>od<a>ciou<s> ba<s>s
. There is a test already written, just need to implement it. Naive O(n^2) worst case: find every match in the string, then select the highest scoring match. Should benchmark this against current implementation once implemented Also, "reactive rice" would be<r><e>active r<i><c>e
- Search feature: Work on multiple strings in a match. For example, be able to match against 'stth' against an object { folder: 'stuff', file: 'thing' }
- Async batch updates so the UI doesn't block for huge sets. Or maybe Web Workers?
- Performance performance performance!