Base web library for furmly web themes
Furmly Web Base
Simple implementation of furmly components using react & styled-components.
This is a simple themeable library that implements the visual components required by Furmly-client .
npm install furmly-base-web
Don't forget to include font files at "furmly-base-web/dist/Lato-Light.ttf" & "furmly-base-web/dist/Roboto-Thin.ttf
import configure from "furmly-base-web";
import RotateTextComponent from "./Rotate";
map is basically a key value pairing of component ELEMENTTYPE to react component.
defaultMap is the raw key value map to furmly client components.
const componentMap = configure({
extend: (map, defaultMap) => {
map.CUSTOM_COMPONENT = props => {
return <div>{"This is a custom component"}</div>; // This is how to define a custom component. They are matched by uid.
return map.cook(); // make sure you return a cooked map.
providerConfig: [], //
interceptor: (context, map, defaultMap) => {
This function is an interceptor. Furmly-client will call this interceptor everytime it requires a component definition.
if (context.elementType == "INPUT" && context.uid == "rotate_text")
return RotateTextComponent;
Provider is the main entry point into rendering UI.Once a componentMap
has been cooked you can directly access the provider const { PROVIDER } = componentMap
import React from "react"
//...construct componentMap earlier
const { PROVIDER } = componentMap;
export default (props)=> {
return <PROVIDER id={props.process_id}>;
Styled components theme provider is used to provide themeing to base components.
import { ThemeProvider } from "furmly-base-web";
const theme = {
foreColor: "red",
labelBackgroundColor: "black",
labelColor: "white"
export default props => {
return <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>{components}</ThemeProvider>;
To do
- Create better documentation in demo web site
- Create better documentation for themes.
- Implement more components