utils for js
Utils for JS
this is a package containing utilities for js
1. Boolean logic support
2. Prototypeal inheritance
3. Empty object factory
4. Stacks
5. Combinatory logic support
6. Ternary operator replacement
7. Last Opened Lists
var utils = require("function-js-utils")
var bool = utils.xor(utils.TRUE)(utils.FALSE)
console.log(utils.ifelse(bool,"bool is true","bool is false"))
isComputerOn() returns true if computer is on , otherwize false
objectInherit(x) creates new object inheriting propertys for argument
NIL falsy constant
isNaN(x) returns true if x is NaN
Stack(?init) init is the inital contense of stack
top() gets top of stack
pop() pops data of stack
push(x) pushes onto stack
depth() gets depth of stack
LOL(x) same as stack but when something is pushed that is on it already it gets moved to the top. has getData.
getData() return contents of list
i(x) identity
s(x)(y)(z) S combinator [x(z)(y(x))]
k(x)(y) K combinator [x]
TRUE FALSE combinatorial bools
or and xor not combinatorial operators
ifElse(x)(ifTrue)(ifFalse) combinatorial if else [x?ifTrue:ifFalse]
boolToString(x) converts combinatorial bool to string
boolToFun(x) converts bool to combinatorial bool
funToBool(x) converts combinatorial bool to bool
isNumber(x) checks if x is number
isEven(c) checks if c is even
isOdd(c) checks if c is odd
curry(func,data)(arg) calls func(data[0] , data[1] ... , data[n], arg)