python for blockchain fuel official wallet, suport use mnemonic seeds generate fuel address and private key
python for blockchain fuel official wallet, suport use mnemonic seeds generate fuel address and private key
pip install bip_utils
# use this project dir`s bech32m.py
from bech32m import encode # a little different with bitcoin bech32m
from hashlib import sha256
from bip_utils import Bip39SeedGenerator
from bip_utils import Bip32Secp256k1
from bech32m import encode # a little different with bitcoin bech32m
class FuelWallet():
def __init__(self, mnemonic, password='', wallet_index=0) -> None:
self.mnemonic = mnemonic.strip()
self.password = password # if have password
self.derive_default_path = f"m/44'/1179993420'/{wallet_index}'/0/0"
self.prefix = 'fuel'
def get_address_pk(self):
seed_bytes = Bip39SeedGenerator(self.mnemonic).Generate(self.password)
bip32_mst_ctx = Bip32Secp256k1.FromSeed(seed_bytes)
bip32_der_ctx = bip32_mst_ctx.DerivePath(self.derive_default_path)
pk: bytes = bip32_der_ctx.PrivateKey().Raw().ToBytes()
extended_key = Bip32Secp256k1.FromPrivateKey(pk)
pubkey = extended_key.PublicKey().RawUncompressed().ToBytes().hex()[2:]
pubkey_bytes = bytes.fromhex(pubkey)
sha256_bytes = sha256(pubkey_bytes).digest()
address = encode(self.prefix, sha256_bytes)
return pk.hex(), address
if __name__ == '__main__':
mnemonic = 'seek clean tell token spread parrot pear tray beef desk sponsor plate'
print(f'mnemonic seeds: {mnemonic}')
for wallet_index in range(5):
fl = FuelWallet(mnemonic=mnemonic, wallet_index=wallet_index)
pk, address = fl.get_address_pk()
print(f'address index {wallet_index}, address: {address}, pk: 0x{pk}')
mnemonic seeds: seek clean tell token spread parrot pear tray beef desk sponsor plate
address index 0, address: fuel1gu47yf32mq2khczewvw04el088y34f49fh3vqp4vn8p9yrc28uaqrr3t85, pk: 0x1ef91ec4b2a39d652091f6f217029f5a33eea7e9913da4fa26eb0a79d6663bee
address index 1, address: fuel1pqkzasvy0x2vpvn3humwyq492ccrgqt9t0mvlpdnpkw09tnu9u9sn7hrcq, pk: 0xa9da58f2169d88ea98fff6367c7c6fdcb153c3eef5d8d07881e5f10a8fe55e1a
address index 2, address: fuel142lr9rsntee7lnsxvck7m49fdpfca3vvcmqqvvtfzqwtuuge2qdq5gj259, pk: 0x6af82b17141a6793bc7fb703e98a256e1a446ce0e03c1d8884e3592ad21333a2
address index 3, address: fuel1n0zstx2dntgp64v29wgzsqc4jumcgtse30ws4s3zphpn8rjhzs5s3ttfyf, pk: 0x4423c07fc04d7d73ff34f46bc6b652ed759896bdb689fff1930fc4de98e82d53
address index 4, address: fuel1vqn9mu84v8keec0u8fge8295epr5mn6c74nwekyqn5yspgn8hqdqsg6ryh, pk: 0x0056a68f643de783298adf4ca3269a15110fb02a52937adeef36f53f43ed0b72
import the mnemonic seed to fuel official wallet , get result
if you export private key from wallet, you will get same result
last but important!
- test the result and compare it with main web wallet app(such as: metamask, mathwallet, trustwallet...) before you deposit crypto assets to the address
- some wallet may get diffrent result, because it may use diffrent derive path to generate wallet
- learn about hd-wallet principle by your self