Fucss is fastest tool and method to write custom styling generator for riot, react and html.
FUCSS client & server styling generator
Fucss is fastest tool and method to write custom styling generator for riot, react, webpack and plain html.
Fucss styling generator Hell YEAH!!!!
client: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/fucss/fucss.js
server: npm install --save fucss
next: npm install --save next-fucss
fuico: https://github.com/noneedsystem/fuico
You just implement fucss to your project using only client script
or server side options fucss
| next-fucss
export default ({ text }) => (
<button className="p:15px-30px br:5px bs:1 bd:0 bg:prim c:white m:10px fl:r">{text}</button>
/** Fucss class rules */
.p\:15px-30px{padding:15px 30px;}
tools to generate jsx, webpack classes and styling separately
fucss.grab class generating function from objects. fucss.grab({'p:20px': true} | (isTrue) => ({ 'p:20px': isTrue}), {isTrue: true})
fucss.storeHTML now stores object inside div dummy elem for class harvestingadded
md-fs:16px_lh:1.3 class chaining support
@media only screen and (min-width: 768px)
.md-fs\:16px_lh\:1\.3 {font-size: 16px; line-height: 1.3;}
bg:lg-70ndg-prim-sec linear gradient implementationtodo fix
transition-delay | multi transition fix requiredtodo improv
unit testing
has no auto margin on its items. Now justify-content will work.added
class | classname | class... attributes are supported.solved
tt:uc text-transform: uppercase
an:hide-1s sets osition: absolute; visibility: hidden;
after 1sadded
afm:fwd support animation-fill-mode: forwards
bv:hd support backface-visibility:hidden
bg-atc:fx support background-attachment:fixed
zm:2 support zoom:2
cp:ins(100px-50px) support clip-path: inset(100px 50px)
t3d:0-0-0 support transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0)
bft-blr:1px support backdrop-filter:blur(1px)
prsp:1000 support perspective:1000
Parser. Now riot parser supports classNames = (value) => ({ 'classname': value })
scaler animation @keyframes scaler
animation support an inf added an:scaler-inf-1s-eio
{ animation: scaler infinite 1s ease-in-out }
has no auto margin on its items. Now align-items & justify-content will workadded
calc support w:calc(100pc-300px)
value ini: initial included bz:ini
value st: static included dp:st
grayscale typo
node server support require('fucss')
fucss.storeHTML function that stores array of html strings in fucss.HTML array
props to fucss.generateStyling function
// Returns css rules on the server side
riot: html || fucss.HTML.join(''),
returnStyle: true,
glob: true,
anim: true
// Now returnStyle option executes \' replacer
if(opts.riot && opts.returnStyle)
htmlString = htmlString.replace(/\\'/g, "'");
now all riot component classes are generated EG class="ts:tf { 'trx:30pc': modify }"
negative values z:20n
{ z-index: -20 }
properties scaleX scaleY scaleZ added scx:1n
{ transform: scaleX(-1) }
fucss.properties = {
scx: 'scaleX',
scy: 'scaleY',
scz: 'scaleZ',
property visability added vsb:vs
riot tags are now collected through xhr response
global values moved to top of the generated coderemoved
moz, webkit prefexischanged
smx: 401, mdx: 769, lgx: 1025
txt property is now config instead of property (use in body) txt:black100
values 1s,tf ar now not sticky (multiple transition support added) ts:op-1s,tf-500ms-eio-1s
{ transition: opacity 1s, transform 500ms easy-in-out 1s; }
ac - align-content now is not treated as state active ac-ac:c
:active { align-content: center }
bl -> blr filter function value blr:1px
{ filter:blur(1px) }
op - opacity filter removed op:0.1
{ opacity:0.1 }
fucss.properties = {
mbm: 'mix-blend-mode'
fucss.values = {
dif: 'difference',
light: 'lighten',
dark: 'darken',
No need for fux-trans & fux-boxsh Features: transitions, transform, functional values, sibling selector support, boxshadow
//box shadow now is auto generated
//transition all .45s cubic-bezier(0.23, 1, 0.32, 1)
scl: 'scale',
trl: 'translate',
rot: 'rotate',
skw: 'skew',
mtx: 'matrix',
prp: 'perspective',
trx: 'translateX',
try: 'translateY',
trz: 'translateZ',
//version 0.6.8
fucss.functions = {
lg: 'linear-gradient',
rg: 'radial-gradient',
rgb: 'rgb',
rgba: 'rgba',
cb: 'cubic-bezier',
fucss.transforms = {
scl: 'scale',
trl: 'translate',
rot: 'rotate',
skw: 'skew',
mtx: 'matrix',
prp: 'perspective',
trx: 'translateX',
try: 'translateY',
trz: 'translateZ',
fucss.filters = {
bl: 'blur',
bh: 'brightness',
cn: 'contrast',
ds: 'drop-shadow',
gs: 'greyscale',
hr: 'hue-rotate',
iv: 'invert',
op: 'opacity',
st: 'saturate',
sp: 'sepia',
fucss['shape-outside'] = {
crc: 'circle',
rec: 'rect',
els: 'ellipse',
ins: 'inset',
poly: 'polygon',
style in header now is created dynamically
multiple target escape fix
fixed multiple target issue
fixed fux-trans // now it works for all transitions
implemented first, last child
//multiple targets now are escaped
fs:100pc_a,h1 = 'a, h1 { font-size: 100% }';
//fux-trans fixed
fucssExtras = {'fux-trans': 'transition: all .3s ease;'}
//new state last-child implemented
fucss.states = {
lc: 'last-child',
last: 'last-child',
first: 'frist-child'
//new props
fucss.properties = {
jc: 'justify-content',
cont: 'content',
media queries now have max-width
//smx => @media only screen and max-width 399px ...
fucss.media = {
smx: 399,
mdx: 767,
lgx: 1023,
fucss properties added
fucss.properties = {
flxf: 'flex-flow'
color modifiers enabled for example default pink = '#E91E63':
bg:pinka5 = { background: rgba(233,30,99,0.5); }
bg:pinkl10 = { background: #ff387d; }
bg:pinkd10 = { background: #d0054a; }
Flex box support implemented.
default colors modified and implemented color modifier
implemented global default rules
//css important eg: bg:pink-! = { background: ## #E91E63 !important; }
//colors moved to separate object and redefined
fucss.colors = {
//version 6 colors
prim: '#DE3E3E', // red
sec: '#2F3B50', // grey dark
red: '#F44336',
pink: '#E91E63',
purple: '#9C27B0',
dpurple: '#673AB7',
indigo: '#3F51B5',
blue: '#2196F3',
lblue: '#03A9F4',
cyan: '#00BCD4',
teal: '#009688',
green: '#4CAF50',
lgreen: '#8BC34A',
lime: '#CDDC39',
yellow: '#FFEB3B',
amber: '#FFC107',
orange: '#FF9800',
dorange: '#FF5722',
brown: '#795548',
grey: '#9E9E9E',
bgrey: '#607D8B',
black: '#111',
silver: '#DDD',
white: '#fff',
navy: '#001f3f',
aqua: '#7FDBFF',
teil: '#39CCCC',
olive: '#3D9970',
maroon: '#85144b',
fuchsia: '#F012BE',
// social
twitter: '#5AACF2',
facebook: '#3C599C',
google: '#D8503D',
// now you can specify color modes for the color eg: pink400 = pinklight6
fucss.colorMods = {
//50: 'l52', // white 'a13'
100: 'l37', // white 'a31'
200: 'l26', // white 'a50'
300: 'l12', // white 'a7'
400: 'l6', // white '185'
500: '',
600: 'd6', // black 'a91'
700: 'd12', // black 'a81'
800: 'd18', // black 'a71'
900: 'd24' // black 'a52'
// now you can predefine color configs eg: <body class="prim:indigo sec:pink err:red warn:yellow">
fucss.config = {
'prim': 'colors',
'sec': 'colors',
'err': 'colors',
'warn': 'colors',
// flex box support
var fucssProperties = {
//version 0.6.3
ww: 'word-wrap',
fd: 'flex-direction',
od: 'order',
flxg: 'flex-grow',
flxs: 'flex-shrink',
flxw: 'flx-wrap',
flxb: 'flex-basis',
flx: 'flex',
as: 'align-self',
ai: 'align-items',
ac: 'align-content',
var fucssValues = {
//version 0.6.3
pl: 'pre-line',
nm: 'normal',
bl: 'baseline',
flx: 'flex',
if: 'inline-flex',
row: 'row',
col: 'col',
rr: 'row-reverse',
cr: 'column-reverse',
li: 'list-item',
wrap: 'wrap',
sb: 'space-between',
sa: 'space-around',
fs: 'flex-start',
fe: 'flex-end',
stc: 'stretch',
var fucssGlob = false; // by default it is enabled
var fucssGlobalExtras = {
"[contenteditable='plaintext-only']": 'cursor: text',
"[contenteditable='plaintext-only']:empty:before" : 'content: attr(placeholder); opacity: 0.5; display: block;',
"body": 'margin: 0; text-align: center; font-family: inherit; border-width: 0;',
"*": 'margin: 0 auto; outline: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; border-style: solid; border-width: 0; vertical-align: baseline;',
"a": 'text-decoration: none;',
"a, span, img, button, i": 'display: inline-block;',
"button, a": 'cursor: pointer',
"input, button, select, option, textarea": 'font-size: 100%; font-family: inherit;',
Predefined colours, animations implemented. Splash screen deprecated.
//all values can be overwrited using fucssValues
var fucssValues = {
//version 6 colors
prim: '#DE3E3E', // red
sec: '#5FBA7D', // grey dark
tert: '#2F3B50', // green
quat: '#f6f7f4', // grey
quin: '#D3D1D1', // grey light
//sext: '#D3D1D1',
//sept: '#D3D1D1',
//oct: '#D3D1D1',
//non: '#D3D1D1',
//den: '#F1F1F1', // bg grey very light,
navy: '#001f3f',
blue: '#0074D9',
aqua: '#7FDBFF',
teil: '#39CCCC',
olive: '#3D9970',
green: '#2ECC40',
lime: '#01FF70',
yellow: '#FFDC00',
orange: '#FF851B',
red: '#FF4136',
maroon: '#85144b',
fuchsia: '#F012BE',
purple: '#B10DC9',
black: '#111111',
grey: '#AAAAAA',
silver: '#DDDDDD',
//deprecated splash screen value
var fucssSplash = false;
var fucssAnim = false; // default true
// animations implemented
@keyframes spin
@keyframes fadeIn
@keyframes fadeOut
// new extras added
var fucssExtras = {
'fux-bb': 'border-sizing: border-box;',
'fux-clear': 'overflow: hidden;',
'fux-fadeIn': 'animation-name: fadeIn;animation-iteration-count: 1;\
animation-timing-function: ease-in;animation-duration: 0.2s;opacity: 1;',
'fux-spinner': 'position: absolute; top: calc(50% - 25px); left: calc(50% - 25px); width: 50px; height: 50px; border: 3px solid ## #fff;\
border-radius: 50%; border-top-color: ## #DE3E3E; -webkit-animation: spin 0.75s ease-in-out infinite;',
'fux-boxsh': 'box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.1)',
'fux-trans': 'transition: color 0.1 ease-in; transition-property: color, background-color;',
fucss.riotExtractNGenerate = function(){}
Auto riot class generator implemented
//now generates automatically riot tag classes when script[type="riot/tag" and !!window.riot
fucss.riotExtractNGenerate = function(){}
Minified version now available
// now riot.js class object can be extracted too and all rules will be generated
var _jsStr = "<div class={'op:0.8 hv-op:1': true, 'p:10px': true, 'm:10px': false} />";
fucss.generateStyling({riot: _jsStr, returnStyle: false});
// if you need to use fucss for riot.js
var _tags = document.querySelectorAll('script[type="riot/tag"');
var _jsStr = document.body.outerHTML;
var _jsLoadedCount = 0;
riot.compile(tag.src, function(js){
_jsStr += js;
if(_jsLoadedCount === _tags.length){
fucss.generateStyling({riot: _jsStr, returnStyle: false});
Fixed fucssValues implementation
// now it is assigned before window.onload
Object.assign(fucss.values, window.fucssValues)
Fixed color generator
Change log
//default splash value now is set to false
fucss.splash = false;
//colors can be predefined
var fucssValues = {
main: '#ffcb05',
grey: '#dadada',
/** new function for react.js and classNames library implemented
<div className="bg:000"/>
var getDivClassNames = classNames({
'bg:000': true,
fucss.generateStyling({jsx: _scriptString});
now it is possible to use lighten(l25) / darken(d25) / alpha(a25) for colours.
Can be used with predifined values eg: (bg:mainl25)
<div class="bg:ffcb05l25">colour ## #ffcb05 lightened by 25%</div>
Change log
Media queries changed
fucss.media = {
sm: 400,
md: 768,
lg: 1024,
Change log
Splash screen implemented
<!-- put inside body -->
<div class="fux-spin"></div>
<!-- "bs" changed to "bz" "box-sizing"-->
bs => bz // box-sizing
<!-- We need bs for "box-shadow" more then "box-sizing" -->
bs // box-shadow
<!-- NEW table-layout prop-->
tl //table-layout
Now fucss is a bit more customizable. AT LAST WE CAN PREDEFINE COLORS and create custom rules
// Your custom values
var fucssValues = {
main: '#ffcb05'
// Your custom extra classess (fux)
var fucssExtras = {
'fux-grd-blue': 'background: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(25,32,68,0.9) 0%, rgba(25,32,68,0) 100%);'
// Starts fucss checking function every 5s
var fucssWatch = 5000;
// Stops fucss init function
var fucssInit = false;
// Disables fucss splash screen
var fucssSplash = false;
Change log
<!-- Atlast we have two "font-family" word support -->
ff:Open+Sans // font-family:"Open+Sans";
<!-- ls changed to lis "list-style"-->
ls => lis // list-style
<!-- We need ls for "letter-spacing" more then "list-style" -->
ls // letter-spacing
<!-- Added Important functionality -->
c:fff-! // color:## #fff !important;
// set fucss.init = false and fucss will not initiate after document is loaded
// function fucss.generateStyling(html, returnStyle) lets you to initate style rendering in js
// u can pass 2 props to this function
// html lets you to pass htmlString
// returnStyle lets you to get back the cssString instead of inserting automatically to your html header
fucss.watch = 0;
fucss.init = true;
fucss.seps = {
'value': ':',
'space': '-',
'target': '_',
fucss.media = {
sm: 480,
md: 768,
lg: 1024,
fucss.states = {
hov: 'hover',
act: 'active',
foc: 'focus',
hv: 'hover',
ac: 'active',
fc: 'focus',
fucss.properties = {
bs: 'box-sizing',
pdg: 'padding',
mrg: 'margin',
clr: 'color',
bg: 'background',
txt: 'text-align',
brd: 'border',
dsp: 'display',
pos: 'position',
h: 'height',
w: 'width',
fnt: 'font',
flt: 'float',
vlgn: 'vertical-align',
hlgn: 'text-align',
col: 'width',
lh: 'line-height',
crs: 'cursor',
dec: 'text-decoration',
tb: 'table',
// added by me
idx: 'z-index',
op: 'opacity',
tran: 'text-transform',
mh: 'min-height',
mxw: 'max-width',
mxh: 'max-height',
mnw: 'min-width',
mnh: 'min-height',
ls: 'list-style',
ltrs: 'letter-spacing',
ws: 'white-space',
//version 4
ff: 'font-family',
ta: 'text-align',
fs: 'font-size',
dp: 'display',
t: 'top',
r: 'right',
b: 'bottom',
l: 'left',
of: 'overflow',
br: 'border-radius',
bd: 'border',
fw: 'font-weight',
c: 'color',
p: 'padding',
m: 'margin',
va: 'vertical-align',
ps: 'position',
xw: 'max-width',
nw: 'min-width',
td: 'text-decoration',
z: 'z-index',
fl: 'float',
cl: 'clear',
sh: 'box-shadow',
tr: 'text-transform',
//version 4
fucss.colorazable = [
fucss.units = ['px', 'em', 'pc', 'vh', 'vw'];
fucss.groups = ['tb', 'rl'];
fucss.addons = {
t: 'top',
r: 'right',
b: 'bottom',
l: 'left',
pos: 'position',
rad: 'radius',
fml: 'family',
// added by me
sz: 'size',
rd: 'radius',
w: 'width',
clr: 'color',
stl: 'style',
lyt: 'layout',
wg: 'weight',
upc: 'uppercase',
//version 4
c: 'color',
s: 'style',
rp: 'repeat',
ps: 'position',
fucss.values = {
bb: 'border-box',
greyd1: '#ffcb05',
blackl3: '#f24543',
bot: 'bottom',
c: 'center',
r: 'right',
l: 'left',
t: 'top',
b: 'bottom',
m: 'middle',
n: 'none',
clr: 'color',
rel: 'relative',
abs: 'absolute',
fix: 'fixed',
inh: 'inherit',
tc: 'table-cell',
td: 'table-cell',
tr: 'table-row',
tb: 'table',
no: 0,
hid: 'hidden',
vis: 'visible',
pnt: 'pointer',
sld: 'solid',
// added by me
ib: 'inline-block',
blk: 'block',
cl: 'clear',
//version 4
hd: 'hidden',
vs: 'visible',
bk: 'block',
pt: 'pointer',
rl: 'relative',
ab: 'absolute',
sd: 'solid',
ts: 'transparent',
np: 'nowrap',
bt: 'both',
fx: 'fixed',
cv: 'cover',
uc: 'uppercase',
rp: 'no-repeat',
nrp: 'no-repeat',