NodeJS request wrapper with ftven-style authent tokens
NodeJS request wrapper with ftven-style authentification tokens.
You need to send a request to an FTVEN API, but it's not so simple. You need to send authentification tokens via the headers, and there are 3 steps. This package will do all the hard work for you, but let me explain the 3 steps.
Step 1: the client token
If the token is not already saved or if it is expired, this package will automatically grab a Client Token. The Client Token identifies the application you are currenlty developping. Let's say it's called myApplication
A request is sent to http://myapi.ftven.fr/access_token
with this header:
'X-Ftven-Id': 'id: myApplication'
The API responds with this header:
'X-Ftven-Id': 'id: myApplication, expire: 2014-12-10T14:16:21+0100, token: OTIxZjkzOGY4MjY4NzFhYz2ZDU53OTY1ZjE2ZGEzOWQxNDRjMWQwNQ=='
Step 2: the user token
Another token is needed, for the user. It identifies the current user of the application. This package will automatically grab the Client Token if needed.
A request is sent to http://myapi.ftven.fr/user_token
with this headers:
'X-Ftven-Id': 'id: myApplication, expire: 2014-12-10T14:16:21+0100, token: OTIxZjkzOGY4MjY4NzFhYz2ZDU53OTY1ZjE2ZGEzOWQxNDRjMWQwNQ=='
'X-Ftven-User': 'id: john.doe, password: 769hjjKBJYG988YHJFyJ99863Dff'
The API responds with this header:
'x-Ftven-User': 'id: john.doe, expire: 2014-12-10T14:16:21+0100, token: Yzg2YjA0MWNiNmFlZDc0YzVjZGM2OT3RhYzFiOD5NTAzNjI2MmMwMw=='
Step 3: the request
Finally, your initial request is sent with these two headers:
'X-Ftven-Id': 'id: myApplication, expire: 2014-12-10T14:16:21+0100, token: OTIxZjkzOGY4MjY4NzFhYz2ZDU53OTY1ZjE2ZGEzOWQxNDRjMWQwNQ=='
'X-Ftven-User': 'id: john.doe, expire: 2014-12-10T14:16:21+0100, token: Yzg2YjA0MWNiNmFlZDc0YzVjZGM2OT3RhYzFiOD5NTAzNjI2MmMwMw=='
If everything goes right, the API is happy and your request is accepted by the API.
If anything goes wrong, take a breath, take a beer, then launch your app in debug mode.
How to use?
First, install the package in your repository:
npm install ftven-node-auth-sdk --save
Then, implement like this:
var FtvenNodeAuthSdk = require('ftven-node-auth-sdk');
var apiUrl = 'http://myapi.ftven.fr',
clientId = 'myApplication',
userId = 'john.doe',
userPwd = 'crappypwd';
var sdk = new FtvenNodeAuthSdk(apiUrl, clientId, userId, userPwd);
var method = 'POST',
uri = '/videos',
data = {
// What's sent as a body for the POST, PUT, PATCH verbs.
// FTVEN's APIs have a JSON body.
foo: 'bar'
headers = {
// Add your custom headers here. Example:
'X-Ftven-Debug': 1
options = {
// Accepts any option from https://github.com/request/request#requestoptions-callback
// Except url, uri, method, headers and body that will get overriden
timeout: 15000
sdk.call(method, uri, data, headers, options);
.then(function(httpResponse, body) {
// ...
.fail(function(error) {
Debug mode
Just add DEBUG=node-auth-sdk
when launching your application.
For example if you use to launch your app like this:
node bin/myApp.js
Then launch it like that:
DEBUG=node-auth-sdk node bin/myApp.js
Retrieve Client Token only
var FtvenNodeAuthSdk = require('ftven-node-auth-sdk');
var apiUrl = 'http://myapi.ftven.fr',
clientId = 'myApplication';
var sdk = new FtvenNodeAuthSdk(apiUrl, clientId);
.then(function(tokenObject) {
// tokenObject has 4 properties:
// - id: the client ID
// - expire: the expire Date object (for local use)
// - expireString: the expire String (formatted by the API, use this to communicate with the API)
// - token: the token String
.fail(function(error) {
Retrieve User Token only
var FtvenNodeAuthSdk = require('ftven-node-auth-sdk');
var apiUrl = 'http://myapi.ftven.fr',
clientId = 'myApplication',
userId = 'john.doe',
userPwd = 'crappypwd';
var sdk = new FtvenNodeAuthSdk(apiUrl, clientId, userId, userPwd);
.then(function(tokenObject) {
// tokenObject has 4 properties:
// - id: the user ID
// - expire: the expire Date object (for local use)
// - expireString: the expire String (formatted by the API, use this to communicate with the API)
// - token: the token String
.fail(function(error) {
Don't hesitate to fix bugs.
Don't hesitate to adapt this module to your own API, but try to do this by implementing new options, instead of creating a fork.
If you are owner of this repository and have the rights to do so, don't forget to publish the new version to NPM.
Copyright (c) 2014 France Télévisions Editions Numériques