CLI for deploying FT Graphics projects
CLI for deploying built static websites to an S3 bucket.
How to use
Requires Node 7.10 or higher.
Command line usage
$ ft-graphics-deploy --help
CLI for deploying FT Graphics projects
> ft-graphics-deploy [FLAGS...]
All flags are optional when this command is run from a typical FT
Graphics project repo in CI.
Vault settings
If not provided these will be inferred from environment variables following
each flag.
--vault-endpoint ($VAULT_ENDPOINT)
--vault-role ($VAULT_ROLE)
--vault-secret ($VAULT_SECRET)
--vault-secret-path ($VAULT_SECRET_PATH)
AWS settings (Deprecated for FT projects — use Vault instead)
If not provided, these settings are taken from env vars
Upload settings
If not provided, these are deduced from the git status in the CWD.
--sha - unique reference for this commit
--branch-name - name of the branch you are deploying
--local-dir - what to upload; defaults to ./dist
--preview - upload files to preview folder
--assets-prefix - base for asset URLs; affects the rev-manifest and all
HTML/CSS files
--help - show this help and exit
--get-branch-url - instead of deploying, just print the URL it would deploy to
--get-commit-url - as above, but get the commit-specific URL
--confirm - skip the confirmation dialogue when deploying
JavaScript API
The most straightforward way:
import deploy from 'ft-graphics-deploy';
deploy(options).then(baseURLs => {
console.log('uploaded to:', baseURLs);
For more fine-grained control:
import { Deployer } from 'ft-graphics-deploy';
const deployer = new Deployer(options);
deployer.execute().then(baseURLs => {
console.log('uploaded to:', baseURLs);
The JavaScript API does not do any git-sniffing or use any environment variables to configure the deployment – you must pass in all required options manually. See the Deployer class source for the full options.
Clone this repo and run yarn
to install dependencies.
Add a .env
file that defines AWS_KEY_DEV
. (These are used in tests.)
Run yarn build -- --watch
and yarn test -- --watch
in separate terminal tabs while developing. (The first one watches src
and builds to dist
. The second one runs ava tests in dist
Publishing a new version to npm
- Make sure you're on master:
git checkout master
- Update the version:
npm version patch
(or replacepatch
as appropriate)- This updates package.json, commits this single-line change, and creates a new git tag
- Push to GitHub:
git push && git push --tags
CircleCI will do the rest.