fs-extra jsonfile fs-json-to-files Generate the corresponding file directory and file content based on the JSON configuration、 根据配置json生成对应的文件目录以及文件内容,
use it, you can create you project folders by folder json data, width any you template content;
npm install fs-json-to-files
import it to your work root, if you create a project,if you need to create many files or folders, it can help you,
at least, i think it
More specifically,this is a tool, generate your project folders,keep you folder structure, fill template content your configured;
i search in the web,many content about folders generate text tree, like:
then it give me a snippet
every time i build a new project, many folders、files require to create, need to fill content,
if tree has reverse operation,it will be great;
i search in the web, Almost no discovery of this feature;npm 、github 、or Blog、Forum;
so i did it , It took half a day , then It took another half day to publish。
// example.js
import { genFilesByJsonData } from "fs-json-to-files";
import { temps } from "./tmpData.js";
import { fileJsonData } from "./fileJsonData.js";
// options?{ basePath}, default is your current folder,if need,you can config it with options.basePath
genFilesByJsonData(temps, fileJsonData,options?);
// You can use it when creating projects, updating requirements,
// and planning to create multiple file structures,
// instead of manually generating them one by one
his directory will be the current directory where your node command is executed
node example.js
the fileJsonData example:
// fileJsonData.js
// I prefer to use this data structure here,
// which is a one-to-one mapping of file structures without sub arrays such as children
// each Object will renerate one folder, the inner Object is also,done and done,
// if the value of key is type of string, it will be defined as a file,it can be followed a '-' ,
// the later is content template type that will fill.if no,the file will a empty file, no bad impact.
export const fileJsonData = {
src: {
views: {
app: "app.vue-tempVue",
config: "config.js-tempA",
common: {
util: "util.js-tempA",
data: {
a: "a.js-tempA",
b: {
bb: "bb.js-tempB",
cc: "cc.js-tempB",
the temps example:
// tmpData.js
// I have chosen to put the template type in a separate file, corresponding to the template in the JSON data file just now
export const temps = {
tempVue: `
<script setup>
<style lang="less">
tempA: `
export const A = ()=>{
tempB: `
export const B = ()=>{