Cached ======
Stores data in files. On retrieval you may specify a maximum age, and if you retrieve an older or non-existent file you will get nothing back.
cache = new Cached('/tmp');
####set(key, data) => Promise()
Stores the given data under the given string key.
####get(key) => Promise(data)
Gets the data stored under the given key, regardless of age. Throws an error if the data is not there.
####get(key, maxAgeMilliseconds) => Promise(data)
Gets the data stored under the given key, as long as the data is less than a certain number of milliseconds old.
This is a constant that, if used as a TTL, says that age is of no concern.
This utility wraps a function. It stringifies the function arguments and uses them as a key for caching results. When the wrapped function is called, a cached result is used, if possible, else the original function is called. The time limit becomes the new first argument, followed by the original arguments.