## Motivation
Configurable & Styleable React Component Library
It is tiresome constantly having to import 15 different dependencies for your favorite React components (e.g Dropdowns, Inputs, Tables, etc). This library is a wrapper around all my favorite components. The main purpose of this wrapper is to support styling & translations to all these core components. It's as easy as just loading in a single style and translation object and viola, you have a multi language component library that is styled in your own custom way.
Getting started
Yarn Install
yarn add frr-web
NPM Install
npm install frr-web
import React, { useEffect } from 'react'
import { Button } from '../../components'
import { AppThemeContext, configureAppTheme } from '../../theme/theme'
import { configureLanguage, Language } from '../../theme/language'
import { TranslationsContext, Translations, LanguageContext } from '../../theme/language'
const appTheme = configureAppTheme({
button: {
chromeless: {},
secondary: {},
common: {
backgroundColor: 'red',
color: 'white',
const translations = {
submit: {
[Language.EN]: 'Submit',
[Language.DE]: 'Einreichen',
[Language.IT]: 'Invia',
[Language.FR]: 'Soumettre',
const App = () => {
const language = Language.EN
return (
<TranslationsContext.Provider value={translations}>
<LanguageContext.Provider value={language}>
<AppThemeContext.Provider value={appTheme}>
<Button label="submit" />
Form Motivation
It seems like 90% of a frontend developer's life is implementing forms. Forms, forms, forms. They're boring and styling them is a pain. You usually end up with way too much code for something that seems so boilerplate. For this reason, I've been using a configurable typesafe form instead. You provide the styling & layout once via a context hook and BOOM, you can crank out tons of forms throughout your app with just a configuration array. NO STYLING. NO JSX. Of course there are limitiations, but for your standard day-to-day forms, this library should be suitable.
Form Example
import * as React from 'react'
import { Lens } from 'monocle-ts'
import { FormThemeContext, configureFormTheme } from 'frr-form/lib/theme/theme'
import { FormField, Form } from 'frr-form/lib/components/Form'
import { FormFieldType } from 'frr-form/lib/components/types'
type Person = {
name: string
hairColor: string
age: number
height: number
description: string
email: string
website: string
const mkLens = Lens.fromPath<Person>()
export const personFormFields: Array<FormField<Person, any>> = [
type: FormFieldType.FormSection,
title: 'Information',
fields: [
label: 'Name',
type: FormFieldType.TextInput,
lens: mkLens(['name']),
required: true,
label: 'Hair color',
type: FormFieldType.TextInput,
lens: mkLens(['hairColor']),
required: true,
label: 'Age',
type: FormFieldType.TextNumber,
lens: mkLens(['age']),
required: true,
label: 'Height',
type: FormFieldType.TextNumber,
lens: mkLens(['height']),
required: true,
label: 'Description',
type: FormFieldType.TextInput,
lens: mkLens(['description']),
required: true,
label: 'Email',
type: FormFieldType.TextInput,
lens: mkLens(['email']),
required: true,
label: 'Website',
type: FormFieldType.TextInput,
lens: mkLens(['website']),
required: true,
const personData = {
name: 'Luke',
hairColor: 'brown',
age: 23,
height: 194,
description: 'average height',
email: '[email protected]',
website: '',
const FormTheme = configureFormTheme({})
export const App = () => (
<FormThemeContext.Provider value={FormTheme}>
onChange={(p) => {
// add update function
Build library
To build the library, run the build script.
- Install packages:
- Build library with types:
yarn build
Develop in watch-mode
Follow these steps to run the library build in watch mode:
- Start the build in watch mode (babel):
yarn build:watch
Use package in linked (watch-)mode
You might want to link this library to the consuming application and keep it in watch mode to develop in parallel.
- Create a symlink:
yarn link
(This you have to do only once) - Run build with babel:
yarn build:watch
Use package in linked (watch-)mode updated!
cd YOUR_PROJECT cd node_modules/react yarn link cd ../react-dom yarn link
sometimes you need also to link react-redux
cd PACKAGE_YOU_DEBUG_LOCALLY yarn link yarn install yarn link react yarn link react-dom yarn build:watch