Generate AngularJS states from Front Matter in state templates.
Front Router
Front Router simplifies the creation of routes in AngularJS by allowing you to define them directly in your view templates.
State settings are defined in a Front Matter block at the top of each template.
name: post
url: /post/:id
controller: PostController
Front Router parses each file, removing the Front Matter from the HTML and storing it in a JavaScript object of states. This object is saved as a new JavaScript file, which can be read by another library and converted into actual routes.
This library was developed for use with Foundation for Apps, a responsive web app framework from ZURB, to simplify the process of prototyping single-page web apps.
Front Router is a Gulp plugin that takes in HTML files, removes the Front Matter, and returns the modified file. When the stream ends, the route data is written to disk as a new file.
var gulp = require('gulp');
var router = require('front-router');
path: './build/js/routes.js',
root: './src/templates/'
The Front Router function accepts two parameters:
- path (String): filename to write the routes to.
- root (String): root folder of the templates.