A flux + api application framework, using hapi and React.
Yet another FLUX starter kit
- Creating an isomorphic, FLUX application using frill-core, React and hapi
- Configrations, i18n, file-loading using frill-utils
- Automatically creates API using dogwater (waterline from sails) and footprints
- Supports local authentication.
- Supports JSON Web Tokens and OAuth for authentication using hapi-auth-jwt2.
- Watch and automatic builds using gulp, webpack, and Babel
- Auto-reload using Browsersync, and nodemon
- Documentation using ESDoc, and hapi-swagger for the API
- Lints using ESLint, alternatively JSHint
- Testing with Mocha, Chai, Sinon.js, and jsdom
- Styles using Stylus
- Example of a model using Sequelize
- Deployments using Shipit
- and many more!
You can always implement anything yourself.
Getting Started
$ npm install -g frill
NOTE: use
if necessary
then, the command below creates a new project from your current directory:
$ frill new appName
if you only want the front-end (for creating isomorphic flux app), use:
$ frill frontend appName
if you only want the back-end (for creating APIs with hapi), use:
$ frill backend appName
Building your app
$ npm run build
$ gulp build
building your app for release, use:
$ npm run build-release
$ gulp build --release
Run app and watch for changes
$ npm start
$ npm run watch
$ gulp
Run your app as a daemon
Start app
$ npm run service-start
Stop app
$ npm run service-stop
Restart app
$ npm run service-restart
See forever for more information.
Deploying your app
Install Shipit
$ npm install -g shipit
Configure deployments
inside ./config/default.js
to your environment, then
For production
$ shipit production deploy
For staging
$ shipit staging deploy
shipit (environment) pwd
, shipit (environment) start
, shipit (environment) stop
, shipit (environment) restart
is configured by default.
See Shipit and shipit-deploy for more information.
Testing your app
$ npm test
$ NODE_ENV=test gulp test
IMPORTANT: You should always use
for yourNODE_ENV
environment variable to make sure that your production/development database will not be affected by tests
Project directory structure
When using the new
├─ /docs/ # Documentation files for the project
├─ /node_modules/ # 3rd-party libraries and utilities
├─ /public/ # The folder for compiled output and serving
├─ /src/ # The source code of the application
│ ├─ /actions/ # Actions that allow to trigger a dispatch to stores
│ ├─ /api/ # REST API /api/ endpoints
│ │ ├─ /auth/ # Authentications
│ │ │ └─ /strategies/ # Authentication strategies
│ │ ├─ /footprints/ # Customize footprint routes
│ │ │ └─ /user.js # An example for customizing footprint routes (filename must be identical with the model name)
│ │ ├─ /v1/ # Place your version 1 api routes here
│ │ └─ routes.js # File to include all your API routes
│ ├─ /assets/ # Asset files should be placed here
│ │ └─ /images/ # Image files
│ ├─ /components/ # Place your Frill(or React) Components here
│ │ ├─ /Mediators/ # Components which watches the stores, dispatch actions, etc.
│ │ ├─ /Pages/ # Page components used in react-router (src/config/routes.jsx)
│ │ ├─ /UI/ # The 'dumb' (mainly)render-only components
│ │ └─ App.jsx # A component which wraps around the app
│ ├─ /config/ # All configuration files are placed here
│ │ ├─ /env/ # Environment-specific configurations are placed here
│ │ │ ├─ /development/ # Configurations used in NODE_ENV = 'development'
│ │ │ └─ /production/ # Configurations used in NODE_ENV = 'production'
│ │ ├─ /locales/ # Language files are placed here
│ │ ├─ api.js # Configurations for API routes
│ │ ├─ cache.js # Configurations for hapi's caching
│ │ ├─ config.js # Configurations for configurations
│ │ ├─ cors.js # Configurations for CORS(Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)
│ │ ├─ deployment.js # Configurations for deployments
│ │ ├─ footprints.js # Configurations for footprints (Builds routes automatically from models)
│ │ ├─ i18n.js # Configurations for internationalizations
│ │ ├─ logs.js # Configurations for hapi's logging
│ │ ├─ models.js # Configurations for models (Using 'dogwater' by default)
│ │ ├─ routes.jsx # Routes for 'react-router'
│ │ ├─ server.js # Basic configurations for hapi
│ │ ├─ session.js # Configurations for sessions
│ │ └─ strategies.js # Configurations for authentication strategies
│ ├─ /helpers/ # All helper methods/classes should be placed here
│ ├─ /models/ # Dogwater (waterline) models to use inside API
│ ├─ /stores/ # Stores that allow to emit changes to components
│ ├─ /styles/ # CSS(Stylus) files should be placed here
│ ├─ /templates/ # Template files should be placed here
│ ├─ /bootstrap.js # Bootstraps client and server codes
│ ├─ /client.js # Entrypoint for Client bundle
│ └─ /server.js # Entrypoint for server-side application
├─ /tasks/ # Gulp task scripts
├─ /test/ # Test scripts (using Mocha)
├─ .gitignore # List of files to exclude from git repository
├─ .eslintrc # Configuration for ESLint
├─ .jshintrc # Configuration for JSHint
├─ # The README file
├─ esdoc.json # Configuration for ESDoc
├─ app.js # Entrypoint for server-side without using gulp
├─ gulpfile.babel.js # Used for configuring gulp (in ES6 syntax)
├─ package.json # List of 3rd party libraries using NPM
├─ webpack.config.js # Webpack configuration for bundling client scripts
├─ shipitfile.js # Enables ES6 syntax for shipitfile.babel.js
└─ shipitfile.babel.js # Configuration for deployment tasks
NOTE: The project structure changes when using the
$ frill frontend appName
command and the$ frill backend appName
Questions or Bugs?
Please send us an issue, or a chat in gitter.