Frigatto'sis an intuitive and easy-to-use SCSS library to help you write your stylesheets, providing functions for font configuration, flexbox, position, etc
Frigatto's is an intuitive and easy-to-use SCSS library to help you write your stylesheets, providing functions for font configuration, flexbox, position, etc
Author: Alberto Frigatto
Email: [email protected]
Linkedin: Click Here
Table of Contents
Quick start
download the library here via:
git clone
npm i frigattos
In a SCSS file import the library:
@use 'path_to_library/frigattos';
The library itself will produce a basic setup resetting the style of HTML tags
Border radius
The library provides functions for border radius:
element {
@include frigattos.radius-top($radius);
Rounds the top border of the element
- $radius: length units
element {
@include frigattos.radius-bottom($radius);
Rounds the bottom border of the element
- $radius: length units
element {
@include frigattos.radius-left($radius);
Rounds the left border of the element
- $radius: length units
element {
@include frigattos.radius-right($radius);
Rounds the right border of the element
- $radius: length units
The library provides functions for flexbox:
element {
Turns the element into a flex container with centered items
element {
@include frigattos.column-center;
Turns the element into a column flex container with the items aligned to the center
element {
@include frigattos.column;
Turns the element into a column flex container
The library provides a function for including and configuring fonts:
Fonts available in the library:
- Sans serif
- Serif
- Lora - default of Serif
- Merriweather
- Roboto Slab
- Source Serif Pro
- Handwriting
- Dancing script - default of Handwriting
- Monospace
- IBM Plex Mono - default of Monospace
- Roboto Mono
Fonts are taken from Google Fonts
@include frigattos.include-fonts($fonts...);
- $fonts: string or map - arbitrary argument
Using with string
Including only one font:
// By name
@include frigattos.include-fonts('poppins');
@include frigattos.include-fonts('ibm plex mono');
@include frigattos.include-fonts('roboto slab');
// By type
@include frigattos.include-fonts('handwriting'); // dancing script
@include frigattos.include-fonts('monospace'); // ibm plex mono
@include frigattos.include-fonts('sans serif'); // lato
Including only one font per string, in addition to including it, it will also be set as the default font for texts and titles
⚠️ If you just want to include a single font without setting it as the default font, use the function with maps
Including more than one font:
// By name
@include frigattos.include-fonts('roboto', 'lora');
// By type
@include frigattos.include-fonts('handwriting', 'serif');
Including more than one font per string, the function will only import the fonts without defining them in any tag
⚠️ If you want to include more than one font and define them, use the function with maps
Using with map
To include a font, the map must have two properties:
- name - font name or type
- define - Where the font will be set
Define values
- full typography - Defines the font for text tags (p, span, blockquote...) and heading (h1-h6)
- headings - Defines the font for heading tags (h1-h6)
- text - Defines the font for text tags (p, span, blockquote...)
- code - Defines the font for code tags (code, samp, kbd)
- none - Only import
@include frigattos.include-fonts(
name: 'noto sans',
define: 'text'
name: 'serif',
define: 'headings'
name: 'roboto mono',
define: 'code'
Geometric shapes
The library provides functions for geometric shapes:
element {
@include frigattos.square($width, $background, $radius: .4rem);
Creates a square
- $width: length units
- $background: color
- $radius: length units - default value: .4rem
element {
@include$width, $background);
Creates a circle
- $width: length units
- $background: color
The library provides functions for images:
img {
@include frigattos.cut-img($width, $height, $fit: cover, $position: center);
Cut the image
- $width: length units
- $height: length units
- $fit: object-fit values - default value: cover
- $position: object-position values - default value: center
The library provides functions for position:
element {
@include frigattos.position-center($position: absolute);
Positions the element in the center of its container
- $position: position values - default value: absolute
element {
@include frigattos.position-top-left($position: absolute, $top: 0, $left: 0);
Positions the element based on top and left
- $position: position values - default value: absolute
- $top: length units - default value: 0
- $left: length units - default value: 0
element {
@include frigattos.position-top-right($position: absolute, $top: 0, $right: 0);
Positions the element based on top and right
- $position: position values - default value: absolute
- $top: length units - default value: 0
- $right: length units - default value: 0
element {
@include frigattos.position-bottom-left($position: absolute, $bottom: 0, $left: 0);
Positions the element based on bottom and left
- $position: position values - default value: absolute
- $bottom: length units - default value: 0
- $left: length units - default value: 0
element {
@include frigattos.position-bottom-right($position: absolute, $bottom: 0, $right: 0);
Positions the element based on bottom and right
- $position: position values - default value: absolute
- $bottom: length units - default value: 0
- $right: length units - default value: 0
The library provides a function for scrollbar:
element {
@include frigattos.include-scrollbar($thumb-background, $track-background, $width: 1rem)
Defines a scrollbar for the element
- $thumb-background: color
- $track-background: color
- $width: length units - default value: 1rem
Thanks for using my library 😃