A utility for converting Firebase Auth errors into user-friendly messages.
Friendly Firebase Errors
A utility for converting Firebase Auth errors into user-friendly messages. This package helps developers transform Firebase error codes into human-readable and customizable error messages.
- Comprehensive Coverage: Includes all Firebase Auth error codes.
- Customizable Messages: Override default messages for any error code.
- Debugging Support: Returns the original error object alongside the friendly message.
- Type Safety: Fully typed for seamless TypeScript integration.
npm install friendly-firebase-errors
Basic Usage
Transform a Firebase error into a user-friendly message:
import { friendlyFirebaseError } from 'friendly-firebase-errors';
const error = { code: "auth/code-expired", message: "The code has expired." };
const result = friendlyFirebaseError(error);
// "The code has expired. Please request a new one."
Custom Messages
You can override default messages with your own custom ones:
const customMessages = {
"auth/code-expired": "Oops! Your code expired. Try again.",
const error = { code: "auth/code-expired", message: "The code has expired." };
const result = friendlyFirebaseError(error, customMessages);
// "Oops! Your code expired. Try again."
API Reference
error: The Firebase error object with the following structure:
: A Firebase error code (e.g.,auth/code-expired
(optional): Additional details about the error.
customErrorMap (optional): An object containing custom messages for specific error codes.
- An object with:
: A user-friendly error message.originalError
: The original Firebase error object.
Default Error Messages
Below is the complete list of error codes and their default friendly messages:
| Error Code | Default Message |
| auth/admin-restricted-operation
| This operation is restricted to administrators. |
| auth/argument-error
| Invalid argument provided. Please check the input and try again. |
| auth/app-not-authorized
| This app is not authorized to connect to Firebase. Please check the configuration. |
| auth/app-not-installed
| The requested app is not installed on this device. |
| auth/captcha-check-failed
| The CAPTCHA check failed. Please try again. |
| auth/code-expired
| The code has expired. Please request a new one. |
| auth/cordova-not-ready
| The Cordova framework is not ready. Please try again later. |
| auth/cors-unsupported
| Your browser does not support cross-origin requests. Try a different browser. |
| auth/credential-already-in-use
| This credential is already linked to another account. |
| auth/custom-token-mismatch
| There is a mismatch with the provided custom token. |
| auth/requires-recent-login
| You need to log in again to perform this action. |
| auth/dependent-sdk-initialized-before-auth
| Another SDK was initialized before Auth. Please check your setup. |
| auth/dynamic-link-not-activated
| Dynamic links are not activated for this project. |
| auth/email-change-needs-verification
| You must verify your email address before making changes. |
| auth/email-already-in-use
| This email is already associated with an account. Try logging in or resetting your password. |
| auth/expired-action-code
| The action code has expired. Please request a new one. |
| auth/cancelled-popup-request
| The popup request was canceled. Please try again. |
| auth/internal-error
| An internal error occurred. Please try again later. |
| auth/weak-password
| Your password is too weak. Please use a stronger password. |
| auth/web-storage-unsupported
| Your browser does not support web storage. Please try a different browser. |
| auth/already-initialized
| The Firebase app has already been initialized. |
| ... | ... |
For the complete list of error codes, refer to the DEFAULT_MESSAGES
object in the source code.
Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request to enhance the package.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.