This Library is designed to make it easy for developers to send automated emails to multiple recipients.
FreelyEmail (API)
FreelyEmail API Library is a RESTful web service that provides developers with an easy-to-use interface for sending emails from within their applications. It allows developers to send emails quickly and easily without having to set up their own SMTP server or domain.
To use the API, a developer needs to call method with required data for sending the email, such as the recipient's email address, subject, and message body. The API then takes care of the rest, including formatting and sending the email using the domain.
One of the main benefit of this FreelyEmail API is that it simplifies the process of sending emails for developers who may not have the time or resources to set up their own email infrastructure. It also provides an added layer of security, as it allows developers to send emails without disclosing their own domain or email server information.
Summary (😂): FreelyEmail is build on Node.js that makes it easy to send automated emails without writing any code. It doesnot require any email and Server configuration. Just call the API with the required data and boooom!!! Email Send
It also come with Android and Node Js library which reduces the effort of managing APIs and handling errors.
How to use:
Simple Email With / Without Html file
A Simple Email with/without Html file Example
const freelyEmail = require("freely-email")
const sampleEmail = {
"recipient" : "Email Address to whom you want to send Email", // use Array of String for multiple email
"app" : "Your App Name",
"replyTo" : "Your contact Email " // User can directly reply to this email
"subject" : "Subject of your email",
"sender" : "YourAppEmail", //eg: Your-App-Name // donot include // no space or special char
"message" : "Email Message", //your Email containt
"HTMLfile" : "HTML File if you have" //must be in String and single html formate
.then( data => { })
.catch(err => {})
Base api structure :
- How to send a simple email using FreelyEmail-Library
- Step 1 : Import FreelyEmail-Library
- Step 2 : Create a new email body with given parameters
- step 3 : Call type of action
- Supported Action
Action : Simple Email :
- API :
* Request Type : POST * Body : { sender, recipient, replyTo, app, subject, message, HTMLfile }
- How to send a simple email using FreelyEmail-Library
* Note :
* parameter must have same name as mentioned above
* sender email should not contain any domain, we will add at the end.
* Example :
``` JavaScript
const emailBody = {
"recipient" : "Email Address to whom you want to send Email", // use Array of String for multiple email
"app" : "Your App Name",
"replyTo" : "Your contact Email " // User can directly reply to this email
"subject" : "Subject of your email",
"sender" : "YourAppEmail", //eg: Your-App-Name // donot include // no space or special char
"message" : "Email Message", //your Email containt
"HTMLfile" : "HTML File if you have" //must be in String and single html formate
.then( data => { })
.catch(err => {})
Action : Email Containing OTP :
- API :
* Request Type : POST
* Body : { sender,recipient, replyTo, app, subject, otp, withValidTime,HTMLfile}
- Note :
- parameter must have same name as mentioned above
- sender email should not contain any domain, we will add at the end.
- Example :
const msgBody = {
"app" : App Name,
"subject" : Subject,
"recipient" : recipients Email,
"replyTo" : ReplyTo
"sender" : Sender Email,
"otp" : otp, // must
"withValidTime" : withValidTime, // Optional
"HTMLfile" : HTMLFile
Every Request will have object as response which will contain data and error
data : "Message Id",
error : {}
Status code : 200.
data : {},
error : "Error Reason"
Status code : 400.
Action: Request Auto OTP Email :
- API :
- This action automatically generates an OTP in server and sends it to the recipient, with the OTP being received in the response.
* Request Type : POST
* Body : { sender, recipient, replyTo, app, subject, withValidTime}
- Note :
- parameter must have same name as mentioned above
- sender email should not contain any domain, we will add at the end.
- Example :
const msgBody = {
"app" : App Name,
"subject" : Subject,
"recipient" : recipients Email,
"replyTo" : ReplyTo
"sender" : Sender Email,
"withValidTime" : withValidTime, // Optional
Every Request will have object as response which will contain data and error
data : {msgId, OTP}, //OTP : It is a 6 digit passcode that user received in mail, so use this OTP to verify user in Client side.
error : {}
Status code : 200.
data : {},
error : "Error Reason"
Status code : 400.
Action :
- API : Email Containing Link :
* Request Type : POST
* Body : { sender,recipient, replyTo, app, subject, link, withValidTime,HTMLfile}
- Note :
- parameter must have same name as mentioned above
- sender email should not contain any domain, we will add at the end.
- Example :
const msgBody = {
"app" : App Name,
"subject" : Subject,
"recipient" : recipients Email,
"replyTo" : ReplyTo
"sender" : Sender Email,
"link" : link, // must
"withValidTime" : withValidTime, // Optional
"HTMLfile" : HTMLFile
Every Request will have object as response which will contain data and error
data : "Message Id",
error : {}
Status code : 200.
data : {},
error : "Error Reason"
Status code : 400.
Installation : ( only for those who want to contribute )
Install my-project with npm
1 Clone the repository to your local machine using git clone
2 Navigate to the project folder using cd Auto-Email-Sender
3 Install the dependencies using npm install
Environment Variables
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file. || contact for .env : [email protected]
SendInBlue Email
SendInBlue Password
Send your First Email // under developement