Fabulous Redux
Redux is a very simple framework that helps you build javascript applications. Sometimes this simplicity could cause problems because of:
- The amount of boilerplate that we have to code
- The lack of tools to:
- Create actions which follows some standard structure
- Create asynchronous actions
- Handle pending promise actions when the context of the application changes like in a page navigation.
Fredux is a utility library to make the development process of redux applications faster and easier. Fredux provides some conventions and tools to solve the above-mentioned problems.
- Support for FSA action definition and creation.
- Support for promise action handling through a middleware.
- Support for state versioning to handle context changes.
npm install fredux
Setting up fredux promise action middleware
Add the promiseActionMiddleware to the store
import { promiseActionMiddleware } from "fredux";
const store = createStore(reducer, applyMiddleware(promiseActionMiddleware));
Fredux versioned promise action middleware
Use the fredux versioned promise action middleware if you want to handle context changes, for example a navigation to another page.
When an action involves a context change, the middleware cancels all pending promise actions which have been dispatched in previous versions.
Be aware that this middleware takes the version selector as the first parameter to allow the version reducer to be anywhare in the reducer tree.
import { versionedPromiseActionMiddleware } from "fredux";
const selector = state => state.version;
const store = createStore(reducer, applyMiddleware(
versionedPromiseActionMiddleware(selector), versionMiddleware));
Combine the reducer
import { version } from "fredux";
const reducer = combineReducers({ version, otherStuff });
Using the fredux action decorators
Promise actions
import { PROMISE_CALL } from "fredux";
export const getMessage(id) {
return {
[PROMISE_CALL]: () => yourApiCall(id),
type: "MESSAGE"
Both middlewares will:
- Make the request and dispatch a MESSAGE_REQUEST action.
- If the request succeeds, the promise middleware will dispatch a MESSAGE_SUCCESS action with the response in the payload.
- If the request fails, the promise middleware will dispatch a MESSAGE_FAILURE with the error as its payload.
Using fredux with normalizr
import { PROMISE_CALL } from "fredux";
export const getMessage(id) {
return {
[PROMISE_CALL]: () => yourApiCall(id).then(r => normalize(r, schema)),
type: "MESSAGE"
Checks if the given action is a fredux action
import { isFreduxAction } from "fredux";
2.0.1 (9/10/2018)
- Bugfix: versionedPromiseActionMiddleware was not returning the next() result when processing normal actions (PR #5).
2.0.0 (19/05/2017)
- versionMiddleware has been deprecated. Now you either use the promiseActionMiddleware or the versionedPromiseActionMiddleware
1.1.0 (20/10/2016)
- Added freduxAction flag to actions which have been dispatched by fredux middleware.
- Added isFreduxAction function that checks if an action is a fredux action based on the freduxAction flag.
1.0.0 (10/10/2016)
- Initial release