This is a rebuild of the Freactal model using the new React Context. It includes several variations driven by my experience with Freactal.
This is a rebuild of the Freactal model using the new React Context. It includes several variations driven by my experience with Freactal.
For the Freactal Aware
This uses the new React (16.3+) Context to manage injection/provision of state into a react DOM tree. A few notable differences:
- Provision is done via a component. It uses the ProviderComponent's
state as its state store.
- the configuration for the store (actions, initializer) are passed in through properties.
- Any superior stores are blended in from Context.
- what Freactal calls effects are actions
- the interpretation of actions are different:
- Returned value of actions are objects, not functions.
- Those objects are that are passed through ProviderComponent's setState, not state re-definers. i.e., all change is now in update mode by default.
- A lot more than effects are provided to actions; a whole context object is fed in with the current state, actions, and the store itself.
- There are optional reducer methods that are available to
- combine parent and current store's state and actions
- render any calculation/reduction of state properties into state.
- The Store class is available for use in any context.
How Freactal-Rebuild Works
Freactal defines a store, which is a blend of state and actions (effects in Freactal) that it expresses into React hierarchy. the store's actions change state, and Subscribers update as a response.
When you provide a state definition such as
const ViewBase = (({state, actions})) => (
<p>Foo = {}</p>
<button onClick={() => actions.setFoo(4)} />
const View = inject(ViewBase);
initializer={() => ({foo: 0})}
actions={({setFoo: (foo) => ({foo})})}
<View />
the provider will initialize its state to the value returned by the initializer and apply the results of its actions to that state, updating all children with that state.
Nested Providers' stores will decorate each other with the actions and state of their parents, allowing for a local state to handle tactical activitiy such as form management and still have access to the state and actions of parent stores.