Async postMessage provider for communicating with iframe
Frame Link ( frame-link-react )
Frame Link is a lightweight library that makes two way async communication, between a parent site and iframe, easy.
To use frame-link / frame-link-react
You need to have access to both the parent frame codebase and the target iframe.
Some version of frame-link must be installed in both.
You can mix and match
frame-link: is the vanilla version "yarn add frame-link" see
frame-link-react ( this one ): uses React's context api along with react recoil to perform selective re-renders
Getting started
To install
yarn: yarn add frame-link-react
npm: npm i frame-link-react
The Basics
Wrap your components in the provider
<MyComponent /> or {children}
Register Target
useEffect(() => {
}, [ready])
useEffect(() => {
}, [ready])
const abcUpdater = usePostMessage('abc'); // Creates an updater for 'abc'
abcUpdater('hello world') // Sends 'hello world' to the other frame.
const abc = useSubscribe('abc'); // Subscribe to key 'abc' and update any time something is messaged to this key
More Detailed examples
See Examples
On Parent
Wrap everything with the provider. This is often done in app.tsx / app.js
import { useContext, useEffect, useRef } from "react";
import FrameLinkProvider, { FrameLinkContext } from "../src/FrameLinkProvider";
export default function App() {
return (
<MyComponent />
<MyButtonComponent />
<MyNotificationComponent />
Register the target ( in this case it will be the iframe )
import { useContext, useEffect, useRef } from "react";
import { FrameLinkContext } from "../src/FrameLinkProvider";
function MyComponent() {
const { registerTarget, ready, connected } = useContext(FrameLinkContext);
const frameRef = useRef<any>();
useEffect(() => {
if (!!frameRef.current) {
registerTarget && registerTarget(frameRef.current);
}, [ready, frameRef]);
useEffect(() => {
console.log("connected", connected);
}, [connected]);
return (
<iframe ref={frameRef} src="" />{" "}
Create an updater for a given key
import { useContext } from "react";
import { FrameLinkContext } from "../src/FrameLinkProvider";
function MyButtonComponent() {
const { usePostMessage } = useContext(FrameLinkContext);
const updateTest = usePostMessage("test");
return (
onClick={() =>
updateTest({ myPayload: "this is a test" }, () => {
// Optional callback... well it is supposed to be. I need to fix the type
send test
Subscribe to a key from the parent
import { useContext } from "react";
import { FrameLinkContext } from "../src/FrameLinkProvider";
function MyNotificationComponent() {
const { useSubscribe } = useContext(FrameLinkContext);
const testTwo = useSubscribe < { myPayload: string } > "test-two";
// This will update whenever "test-two" gets new data.
return <div>{testTwo?.myPayload}</div>;
On iFrame
Wrap componets in the FrameLinkProvider
import { useContext, useEffect, useRef } from "react";
import FrameLinkProvider, { FrameLinkContext } from "../src/FrameLinkProvider";
export default function App() {
return (
<MyComponent />
<MyButtonComponent />
<MyNotificationComponent />
Register the target ( in this case it will be window.parent )
import { useContext, useEffect } from "react";
import { FrameLinkContext } from "../src/FrameLinkProvider";
function MyComponent() {
const { registerTarget, ready, connected } = useContext(FrameLinkContext);
useEffect(() => {
if (ready && registerTarget) {
// Register the target ( in this case the parent )
}, [ready]);
useEffect(() => {
// Wait for them to connect ( sends a ping and gets a reply ping )
console.log("connected", connected);
}, [connected]);
return <div></div>;
Create an updater for a given key
import { useContext } from "react";
import { FrameLinkContext } from "../src/FrameLinkProvider";
function MyButtonComponent() {
const { usePostMessage } = useContext(FrameLinkContext);
const updateTestTwo = usePostMessage("test-two");
return (
onClick={() =>
// Call the updater with the data to send to the other frame.
updateTestTwo({ myPayload: "this is a test-two test" }, (replyData) => {
// Optional callback... See subscribe
// If a reply callback is included, when this is received on the parent, we will send a response back
// If the parent includes a reply callback when subscribing, replyData will be whatever that callback returns.
send test
const optionalReplyFunction = (latestData) => {
return { anything: "you want" }; //
Subscribe to messages from the parent
import { useContext } from "react";
import { FrameLinkContext } from "../src/FrameLinkProvider";
function MyNotificationComponent() {
const { useSubscribe } = useContext(FrameLinkContext);
const test =
useSubscribe < { myPayload: string } > ("test", optionalReplyFunction);
// This will update whenever "test-two" gets new data.
return <div>{test?.myPayload}</div>;