Client library for interacting with FRAKT solana program
Library to interact with FRAKT solana program.
npm install frakt-client
Read functions
Get all arts
import { getArts } from 'frakt-client';
import {
} from '@solana/web3.js';
const fraktProgramPubKey = new PublicKey("6zcw5qXiCjScAxYLhxhuPgAo69PSoDijpnWTDGmDVDbv")
const connection = new Connection("", "processed")
const arts = await getArts(fraktProgramPubKey, { connection })
See example/tests/getArts.js for a full example.
metadata: {
artAccountPubkey: '5GVy2aWvbgtyhc5RXjQJWRSut2H2ntY9spo3hNNGrheX',
isInitialized: true,
id: 4,
first_owner_pubkey: 'DYEfeSZz6fyVyGVefXiKisu94TzQnT2UG8Rc1ZZ2wAWb',
minted_token_pubkey: '11111111111111111111111111111111',
is_minted: false,
created_at: 1622842277
attributes: {
shape: 0,
color: 0,
art_hash: 0,
circles_amount: 0,
fractial_iterations: 0,
min_rad_low_limit: 0,
min_rad_high_limit: 0,
max_rad_low_limit: 0,
max_rad_high_limit: 0,
shape_rarity: 0,
color_rarity: 0,
image_url: ''
metadata: {
artAccountPubkey: 'DHEbQmgGyHbUWuen9knm72DpMvbexuWTgXa3bwsbtY8w',
isInitialized: true,
id: 1,
first_owner_pubkey: 'DYEfeSZz6fyVyGVefXiKisu94TzQnT2UG8Rc1ZZ2wAWb',
minted_token_pubkey: 'G7dAEvrX14WnAm79a4ziiSKuoJ3wdCxBwVFn6zd4FyNo',
is_minted: true,
created_at: 1622841755
attributes: {
shape: 1,
color: 2,
art_hash: 2,
circles_amount: 7,
fractial_iterations: 14,
min_rad_low_limit: 3,
min_rad_high_limit: 8,
max_rad_low_limit: 102,
max_rad_high_limit: 305,
shape_rarity: 2,
color_rarity: 70,
image_url: ''
Get all user tokens
import { getAllUserTokens } from 'frakt-client';
import {
} from '@solana/web3.js';
const userPubKey = new PublicKey("DYEfeSZz6fyVyGVefXiKisu94TzQnT2UG8Rc1ZZ2wAWb")
const connection = new Connection("", "processed")
const tokens = await getAllUserTokens(userPubKey, { connection })
See example/tests/getArts.js for a full example.
tokenAccountPubkey: 'HwBG6T84nXx696reiTXj221Sd9KqfiwJsZDk5AgS4S2w',
mint: 'nmPRdEQrmp6soRimLvogW92RG6Aj2vi494RAVN768CA',
owner: 'DYEfeSZz6fyVyGVefXiKisu94TzQnT2UG8Rc1ZZ2wAWb',
amount: 1,
delegateOption: false,
delegate: '11111111111111111111111111111111',
state: true,
isNativeOption: false,
isNative: 0,
delegatedAmount: 0,
closeAuthorityOption: false,
closeAuthority: '11111111111111111111111111111111'
tokenAccountPubkey: '2HimvoswsC91aYcP1odXmUxXnE4GrYNS8exfrNXFTx2E',
mint: 'Ht1yx8tz48vbesYFAtLMPNFCaVo2pKsQXYkfo7pZxhDi',
owner: 'DYEfeSZz6fyVyGVefXiKisu94TzQnT2UG8Rc1ZZ2wAWb',
amount: 1,
delegateOption: false,
delegate: '11111111111111111111111111111111',
state: true,
isNativeOption: false,
isNative: 0,
delegatedAmount: 0,
closeAuthorityOption: false,
closeAuthority: '11111111111111111111111111111111'
tokenAccountPubkey: 'AfKsnT3b6DERcfJbREAuV7JH8JWjA3dQpTDto4rE7Ndd',
mint: '5sAdZkmEvxBh7nM7q5asjzmWDeRqDJcLneiF3fNMHcUi',
owner: 'DYEfeSZz6fyVyGVefXiKisu94TzQnT2UG8Rc1ZZ2wAWb',
amount: 1,
delegateOption: false,
delegate: '11111111111111111111111111111111',
state: true,
isNativeOption: false,
isNative: 0,
delegatedAmount: 0,
closeAuthorityOption: false,
closeAuthority: '11111111111111111111111111111111'
Get all specific user's arts
import { getArts, getAllUserTokens, getArtTokensFromTokens } from '../index';
import {
} from '@solana/web3.js';
const userPubKey = new PublicKey("DYEfeSZz6fyVyGVefXiKisu94TzQnT2UG8Rc1ZZ2wAWb")
const fraktProgramPubKey = new PublicKey("6zcw5qXiCjScAxYLhxhuPgAo69PSoDijpnWTDGmDVDbv")
const connection = new Connection("", "processed")
const tokens = await getAllUserTokens(userPubKey, { connection })
const arts = await getArts(fraktProgramPubKey, { connection })
const userArts = getArtTokensFromTokens(arts, tokens)
See example/tests/getArts.js for a full example.
metadata: {
artAccountPubkey: '5GVy2aWvbgtyhc5RXjQJWRSut2H2ntY9spo3hNNGrheX',
isInitialized: true,
id: 4,
first_owner_pubkey: 'DYEfeSZz6fyVyGVefXiKisu94TzQnT2UG8Rc1ZZ2wAWb',
minted_token_pubkey: '11111111111111111111111111111111',
is_minted: false,
created_at: 1622842277
attributes: {
shape: 0,
color: 0,
art_hash: 0,
circles_amount: 0,
fractial_iterations: 0,
min_rad_low_limit: 0,
min_rad_high_limit: 0,
max_rad_low_limit: 0,
max_rad_high_limit: 0,
shape_rarity: 0,
color_rarity: 0,
image_url: ''
metadata: {
artAccountPubkey: 'DHEbQmgGyHbUWuen9knm72DpMvbexuWTgXa3bwsbtY8w',
isInitialized: true,
id: 1,
first_owner_pubkey: 'DYEfeSZz6fyVyGVefXiKisu94TzQnT2UG8Rc1ZZ2wAWb',
minted_token_pubkey: 'G7dAEvrX14WnAm79a4ziiSKuoJ3wdCxBwVFn6zd4FyNo',
is_minted: true,
created_at: 1622841755
attributes: {
shape: 1,
color: 2,
art_hash: 2,
circles_amount: 7,
fractial_iterations: 14,
min_rad_low_limit: 3,
min_rad_high_limit: 8,
max_rad_low_limit: 102,
max_rad_high_limit: 305,
shape_rarity: 2,
color_rarity: 70,
image_url: ''
Get counter of current arts supply
import { getCounter, } from '../index';
import {
} from '@solana/web3.js';
const fraktProgramPubKey = new PublicKey("6zcw5qXiCjScAxYLhxhuPgAo69PSoDijpnWTDGmDVDbv")
const connection = new Connection("", "processed")
const counter = await getCounter(fraktProgramPubKey, {connection})
See example/tests/getArts.js for a full example.
counterAccountPubkey: 'Cfbth2vrShsUBwjZZFC1xoPGcDdoFMikCyXxQD5yzEyj',
isInitialized: true,
count: 10
Write functions
Here is the examples of signing write transaction from local keypair, that is feasible only on server. For examples on how to sign write transaction in browser using sollet browser extention visit frakt-library-browser-example for a full example.
Buy art local keypair signed
import { buyArt } from 'frakt-client';
import {
} from '@solana/web3.js';
const fraktProgramPubKey = new PublicKey("6zcw5qXiCjScAxYLhxhuPgAo69PSoDijpnWTDGmDVDbv")
const adminPubKey = new PublicKey("DQfi54Fspjfi6VyMH1iSDyYAcui2hUF1QRbQ1GM7N1uo")
const aliceKeypair = readKeypairFromPath(<PATH_TO_YOUR_KEYPAIR>)
const connection = new Connection("", "processed")
void await buyArt(aliceKeypair.publicKey, fraktProgramPubKey, adminPubKey,
async (txn) => void connection.sendTransaction(txn, [aliceKeypair]), { connection })
See example/tests/getArts.js for a full example.
Mint art local keypair signed
import { mintArt } from 'frakt-client';
import {
} from '@solana/web3.js';
const fraktProgramPubKey = new PublicKey("6zcw5qXiCjScAxYLhxhuPgAo69PSoDijpnWTDGmDVDbv")
const adminKeypair = readKeypairFromPath(__dirname + "/keys/admin.json")
const userPubKey = new PublicKey("DYEfeSZz6fyVyGVefXiKisu94TzQnT2UG8Rc1ZZ2wAWb")
const artPubKey = new PublicKey("Hsx9yQkqiL5A6vTf2QRjcVBDCzNKTssgiagBVbWXmtd7")
const connection = new Connection("", "processed")
void await mintArt({
shape: 1,
color: 2,
art_hash: 2, // Hash of figure+color combination in ranges
circles_amount: 7,
fractial_iterations: 14,
min_rad_low_limit: 3,
min_rad_high_limit: 8,
max_rad_low_limit: 102,
max_rad_high_limit: 305,
shape_rarity: 2,
color_rarity: 70,
image_url: "", // wip anyway
}, adminKeypair.publicKey, userPubKey, artPubKey, fraktProgramPubKey,
async (txn) => void connection.sendTransaction(txn, [adminKeypair]),
{ connection })
See example/tests/getArts.js for a full example.
Util functions
Derives tokenPublicKey from userAddress and mintAddress, which can be user in various situations
getTokenAddressFromMintAndUser(userPublicKey: String, mintAddress: String): PublicKey
Returns KeyPair from the file path
readKeypairFromPath(path: string): Keypair