Approximate decimals (or constants) in fractions! Can specify the decimal to approximate, how many digits are to be used in the fraction as well as the minimum digits of accuracy.
Approximate your favorite numbers in fractional form!
- the decimal to approximate,
- how many digits are to be used in the fraction,
- and the minimum digits of accuracy,
and Fractionize will return a list of qualifying unique fractions!
Find approximations for popular constants:
$ fractionize pi 2 1
-> Testing approximations with accuracy of 0.1...
[ '16 / 5 = 3.2 ... R = 0.09295817894065106',
'19 / 6 = 3.1666666666666665 ... R = 0.047887837492022634',
'22 / 7 = 3.142857142857143 ... R = 0.0028174960433950957',
'41 / 13 = 3.1538461538461537 ... R = 0.05070533353541862',
'60 / 19 = 3.1578947368421053 ... R = 0.09859317102744214',
'85 / 27 = 3.1481481481481484 ... R = 0.05634032562220881' ]
$ fractionize e 2 2
-> [ '87 / 32 = 2.71875 ... R = 0.005511381915482616' ]
$ fractionize sqrt2 2 2
-> [ '99 / 70 = 1.4142857142857144 ... R = 0.0035713374682018184' ]
Of course, you can also use any decimal number you'd like.
$ fractionize 9.83135 3 4
-> Testing approximations with accuracy of 0.0001...
[ '8022 / 869 = 9.231300345224396 ... R = 0.000032498131417924014' ]
Future Improvements
- I'd love to add the ability for other non-fractional approximations (e.g. the cube root of 31 is a great approximation for Pi). Feel free to contribute if you'd like.