This package helps hiding certain properties from the inspector using conditions
This package implements a simple property drawer. It helps hiding certains property from the Unity inspector using conditions without having to code a custom editor script every time.
Ability to display the fields of a Scriptable Object within the Unity editor bellow its reference. To enable this feature use the tag [ScriptableObjectDrawer] before the declaration of your scriptable object: '[ScriptableObjectDrawer] public class ClassName : ScriptableObject {}'
Ability to display a private property as ReadOnly, to Enable this feature use the tag [ReadOnly]
Ability to Validate the setup of a component using IValidatable interface, the tag [Validation("Explain here what is required")] and a validation function OnValidate(){} in which the IsValid bool is set according to your validation needs.
In order to find this package in unity's package manager make sure to add the scoped registery to unity's ProjectSettings:
- click new scopedRegisteries (+) in ProjectSettings/Package manager
- set the following parameters:
- name: jeanf
- url:
- scope fr.jeanf
public bool myBool = false;
[DrawIf("myBool", false, ComparisonType.Equals, DisablingType.DontDraw)]
[SerializeField] public Transform myTransform;
- some of the code in this repository was found here I then tweaked it to my likings.