A Plugin Named [fpm-plugin-mongo] For YF-FPM-SERVER~
用于操作 mongodb 的插件
npm add fpm-plugin-mongo --save
{ // "mongodb": { "host": "localhost", "port": 27017, "poolSize": 5, "auth": { "user": "admin", "password": "admin" } } }
- find: find the records
let data = await fpm.execute('mongo.find', { collection: 'foo', condition: { name: 'bar1' }, limit: 5, sort: 'i-', skip: 5 }); // data is a array of datas /* Find: [ ... ] //*/
- first: get the first record of the matched records
let { data } = await fpm.execute('mongo.first', { collection: 'foo', condition: { name: 'bar1' }, limit: 5, sort: 'i-', skip: 5 }); // data is a object or null // First: { data: null }
- create: insert a row
let data = await fpm.execute('mongo.create', { collection: 'foo', row: { name: 'bar' } }); // data is a object contains _id // Create: { name: 'bar', _id: '5bf2ad16aae34848387dc6c1' }
- batch: insert rows
let data = await fpm.execute('mongo.batch', { collection: 'foo', rows: [ { name: 'bar1' }, { name: 'bar12' }, { name: 'bar13' } ] }); // data is a object contains n, ok // Batch: { ok: 1, n: 3 }
- remove: remove one row
let data = await fpm.execute('mongo.remove', { collection: 'foo', id: '5bf26e4efdd5f12e08fab6b6' }); // data is the result, it throws error if not exits
- save: save one row
let data = await fpm.execute('mongo.save', { collection: 'foo', id: '5bf26e4efdd5f12e08fab6b6', row: { name: 'modified' } }); // data is the result, it throws error if not exits // { n: 1, nModified: 0, ok: 1 }
- update: update rows
let data = await fpm.execute('mongo.update', { collection: 'foo', condition: { name: 'bar' }, row: { name: 'modified' } }); // data is the result // Update: { n: 11, nModified: 1, ok: 1 }
- clean: clean the records
let data = await fpm.execute('mongo.clean', { collection: 'foo', condition: { name: 'bar1' } }); // data is a array of datas // Clean: { n: 1, ok: 1 }
- count: count the records
let data = await fpm.execute('mongo.count', { collection: 'foo', condition: { name: 'bar1' }}); // data is a array of datas // Count: { count: 40 }
- find: findAndCount the records
let data = await fpm.execute('mongo.findAndCount', { collection: 'foo', condition: { name: 'bar1' }, limit: 5, sort: 'i-', skip: 5 }); // data is a array of datas /* FindAndCount: { count: 40, rows: [ ... ] } //*/
- find: find the records
Mongodb Manual
Backup the db
# run docker exec
docker exec -it mongo_server /bin/bash
# mongodump -h --port 27017 -u [user] -p [pass] -d [dbname] -o /backup/dump --authenticationDatabase admin
# tar -zcvf testDB.tar.gz /backup/dump/testDB
# remove the dir
mongodump -u admin -p admin --authenticationDatabase admin -o /backup/dump \
&& tar -C /backup/dump -zcvf /backup/all.tar.gz . \
&& rm -rf /backup/dump/*
Store the db
# run docker exec
docker exec -it mongo_server /bin/bash
# unzip && restore all dbs
tar -C /backup/store -zxvf /backup/all.tar.gz \
&& mongorestore -u admin -p admin --authenticationDatabase admin --drop /backup/store/ \
&& rm -rf /backup/store/*