## Overview A collection of ADTs representing data that must be fetched asynchronously, inspired by [@devexperts/remote-data-ts](https://github.com/devexperts/remote-data-ts). Provides a wider range of ADTs for more specific use cases, such as a feed that
A collection of ADTs representing data that must be fetched asynchronously, inspired by @devexperts/remote-data-ts. Provides a wider range of ADTs for more specific use cases, such as a feed that displays data that can be refreshed. Additionally, each ADT provides a transition function that makes it easy to use the ADT as an implementation of a finite state machine within a state management system such as redux. WIP, NOT SAFE FOR PRODUCTION. Part of the fp-ts ecosystem.
npm i --save fp-remote-data
yarn add fp-remote-data
Useful when loading data that should only be loaded once.
A union type representing the following states:
- Initial
- Pending
- Failure
- Success
Implements the Bifunctor and MonadThrow interfaces in fp-ts.
import * as RD from 'fp-remote-data/lib/RemoteData';
import * as O from 'fp-ts/lib/Option';
import * as E from 'fp-ts/lib/Either';
type Name = { first: string; last: string; };
const err: Error = new Error('something went wrong');
const name: Name = { first: 'Alfred', last: 'Young' };
type State = RD.RemoteData<Error, Name>;
const init: State = RD.init(); // init
const pending: State = RD.pending(); // pending
const failure: State = RD.failure(err); // failure Error
const success: State = RD.success(name); // success Name
RD.fromOption(() => err)(O.none); // failure Error
RD.fromOption(() => err)(O.some(name)); // success Name
RD.fromEither(E.left(err)); // failure Error
RD.fromEither(E.right(name)); // success Name
const greet = RD.fold<Error, Name, string>({
init: () => 'Not yet loaded.',
pending: () => 'Loading...',
failure: (err) => `Failed to load name: ${err.message}.`,
success: (result) => `Hello ${result.first} ${result.last}!`,
greet(RD.init()) // Not yet loaded.
greet(RD.pending()) // Loading...
greet(RD.failure(err)) // Failed to load name: Error: something went wrong.
greet(RD.success(name)) // Hello Alfred Young!
Useful when data can be loaded and then later updated.
A union type representing the following states:
- Initial
- Pending
- Failure
- Success
- Both
Implements the Bifunctor and MonadThrow interfaces in fp-ts.
Each constructor that accepts a value (failure, success, both
) also requires an additional boolean argument that determines whether or not a state is refreshing.
import * as RD from 'fp-remote-data/lib/RefreshableData';
import * as O from 'fp-ts/lib/Option';
import * as E from 'fp-ts/lib/Either';
type Name = { first: string; last: string; };
const err: Error = new Error('something went wrong');
const name: Name = { first: 'Alfred', last: 'Young' };
type State = RD.RefreshableData<Error, Name>;
const init: State = RD.init(); // init
const pending: State = RD.pending(); // pending
const failure: State = RD.failure(err, false); // failure Error, not refreshing
const success: State = RD.success(name, false); // success Name, not refreshing
const both: State = RD.both(err, name, false); // both Error, Name, not refreshing
RD.fromOption(() => err)(O.none); // failure Error, not refreshing
RD.fromOption(() => err)(O.some(name)); // success Name, not refreshing
RD.fromEither(E.left(err)); // failure Error, not refreshing
RD.fromEither(E.right(name)); // success Name, not refreshing
RD.fromThese(T.left(err)); // failure Error, not refreshing
RD.fromThese(T.right(name)); // success Name, not refreshing
RD.fromThese(T.both(err, name)); // both Error, Name, not refreshing
const greet = RD.fold<Error, Name, string>({
init: () => 'Not yet loaded.',
pending: () => 'Loading...',
failure: (e, refreshing) => `Failed to load name: ${e.message}, ${refreshing ? '' : 'not'} refreshing.`,
success: (res, refreshing) => `Hello ${res.first} ${res.last}, ${refreshing ? '' : 'not'} refreshing.`,
both: (e, res, refreshing) => `Failed to refresh name: ${e.message}. Hello ${res.first} ${res.last}!, ${refreshing ? '' : 'not'} refreshing.`,
greet(RD.init()) // Not yet loaded.
greet(RD.pending()) // Loading...
greet(RD.failure(err, false)) // Failed to load name: Error: something went wrong, not refreshing.
greet(RD.failure(err, true)) // Failed to load name: Error: something went wrong, refreshing.
greet(RD.success(name, false)) // Hello Alfred Young, not refreshing.
greet(RD.success(name, true)) // Hello Alfred Young, refreshing.
greet(RD.both(err, name, false)) // Failed to refresh name: Error: something went wrong. Hello Alfred Young, not refreshing.
greet(RD.both(err, name, true)) // Failed to refresh name: Error: something went wrong. Hello Alfred Young, refreshing.
Planned: IncrementalData
Useful when loading data who's progress can be observed.
A union type representing the following states:
- Initial
- Pending
- Failure
- Success
Planned: IncrementalRefreshableData
Useful when loading data who's progress can be observed and when fully loaded can be later updated.
A union type representing the following states:
- Initial
- Pending
- Failure
- Success
- Both
Transition and use with Redux
Because each of these ADTs can be used as models for a state store, each ADT exports a transition function. The transition function is used to create state transitions between the ADT subtypes. Transition creates a function that accepts an ADT instance and returns a new ADT instance (aka a state transition). Transition accepts an object in which keys are ADT subtypes and values are functions from that subtype's value to a new ADT instance. Any ADT subtypes that are not included as keys in the argument are mapped back to their original values in the resulting function.
With RemoteData:
In the following example:
- the reset action transitions all states to the initial state
- the fetch action transitions all states to the pending state
- the failure action transitions the pending state to the failure state and leaves all other states remained unchanged
- the success action transitions the pending state to the failure state and leaves all other states remained unchanged
import { createSlice, PayloadAction } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import * as RD from 'fp-remote-data/lib/RemoteData';
type Todo = {
id: number;
description: string;
done: boolean;
type TodosState = RD.RemoteData<Error, Todo[]>
export const todosSlice = createSlice({
name: 'todos',
initialState: RD.init() as TodosState,
reducers: {
reset: RD.init,
fetch: RD.pending,
failure: (s, a: PayloadAction<{ error: Error }>) =>
RD.transition<Error, Todo[]>({
pending: () => RD.failure(a.payload.error),
})(s as TodosState),
success: (s, a: PayloadAction<{ result: Todo[] }>) =>
RD.transition<Error, Todo[]>({
pending: () => RD.success(a.payload.result),
})(s as TodosState),
With RefreshableData:
import { createSlice, PayloadAction } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import * as RD from 'fp-remote-data/lib/RefreshableData';
type Todo = {
id: number;
description: string;
done: boolean;
type TodosState = RD.RefreshableData<Error, Todo[]>
export const todosSlice = createSlice({
name: 'todos',
initialState: RD.init() as TodosState,
reducers: {
reset: RD.init,
fetch: (s) =>
RD.transition<Error, Todo[]>({
init: RD.pending,
failure: (error) => RD.failure(error, true),
success: (result) => RD.success(result, true),
both: (error, result) => RD.both(error, result, true),
})(s as TodosState),
failure: (s, a: PayloadAction<{ error: Error }>) =>
RD.transition<Error, Todo[]>({
pending: () => RD.failure(a.payload.error, false),
failure: () => RD.failure(a.payload.error, false),
success: (result) => RD.both(a.payload.error, result, false),
both: (_, result) => RD.both(a.payload.error, result, false),
})(s as TodosState),
success: (s, a: PayloadAction<{ result: Todo[] }>) =>
RD.transition<Error, Todo[]>({
pending: () => RD.success(a.payload.result, false),
failure: () => RD.success(a.payload.result, false),
success: () => RD.success(a.payload.result, false),
both: () => RD.success(a.payload.result, false),
})(s as TodosState),