Ce document contient les directives et les conventions pour utiliser le Design System dans vos projets. Le Design System fournit une série de variables, de classes et de composants réutilisables pour garantir la cohérence visuelle et la facilité de dévelo
@Foxxhy -My Design System
Version: 0.1.0 : This Project is in Beta.
This Design System project is lightweight and flexible. It is based on the principle of composition with an approach that combines elements of Tailwind and Bootstrap. My Design System offers CSS utility classes, atoms, and web components for more complex components.
Technologies & Code Quality
This project is built with SASS and the Lit library for web components. All CSS is valid according to the W3C standards.
- Using your favorite terminal:
npm install Foxxhy-my-design-system
- Using your preferred framework, import the CSS classes:
import 'foxxhy-my-design-system/normalize.css'; /* Reset les CSS natif */
import 'foxxhy-my-design-system/styles.css'; /* Importe à la fois le thème et les classes CSS */
- An example of importing web components:
import { FIcon } from 'foxxhy-my-design-system';
Best Practices
Theme Customization
It is recommended to override CSS variables directly from your project. This will update all related variables (except for web components).
Avoiding CSS Conflicts
To avoid conflicts between CSS classes and web components, library classes start with -f and web components start with F.
Auto-completion Plugin
For VS Code enthusiasts, it is recommended to use "IntelliSense for CSS class names in HTML".
Utility Classes
Example code for using simple styles:
<div className="f-flex f-flex-row f-flex-wrap f-gap-6">
my html...
Example code for using atoms:
<button className="f-button-success">My Success Button</button>
<button className="f-button-outline-success">My Outline Button</button>
Example using slightly more complex CSS classes and React:
import React from 'react';
import { useState } from 'react';
const Modal = () => {
const [modal, setModal] = useState(false);
return (
<div className={modal ? 'f-modal-show' : 'f-modal-hide'} >
Click on cta to close modal
<button className="f-button-danger" onClick={() => setModal(false)} >fermer</button>
<div className={(modal) ? 'f-cover-shadow' : ''} ></div>
Web Components
The Design System offers web components based on Lit. Before importing it into your preferred framework, you may need to use a wrapper. Here's an example of implementation in ReactJS:
import React from 'react';
import { createComponent } from '@lit/react';
import { FIcon } from 'foxxhy-my-design-system';
export const Icon = createComponent({
tagName: 'f-icon',
elementClass: FIcon,
react: React,
const IconContainer = () => {
return (
<div className='f-flex f-gap-10' >
<Icon name='anchor' />
<Icon name='facebook' />
<Icon name='linkedin' />
In case of TypeScript projets, it's necessary to declare a custom module:
declare module 'foxxhy-my-design-system';
Releases Notes
- 0.1.0 : Fix bugs and preparation of npm package
- 0.0.7 : Fix bugs
- 0.0.6 : Fix bugs
- 0.0.5 : Improve Button style, fix button css, text
- 0.0.4 : Fix bugs on Webs Components
- 0.0.3 : Fix bugs and minors improvements
- 0.0.2: Fix bugs and minors improvements
- 0.0.1 : Project Launch