Render fountain files as HTML
Fountainer (Browser)
Render Fountain script as HTML.
A CLI version of Fountainer is available here
You have the following two options:
Option 1: Install via npm
You can either install the package as follows.
npm install fountainer-browser --save
then in you HTML, you can embed the file as:
<script src="../node_modules/fountainer-browser/dist.js"></script>
Option 2: Load file from CDN
You can directly load the bundle file from CDN as follows.
<script src="//"></script>
Embed the fountainer bundle file in your HTML body using the script tag as shown above. Then you can place your fountain script directly withn an element. Then call the fountainer
method and pass the reference to the element containing the fountain script.
Simple Usage Example
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Hello World -- An Example</title>
<div id="hello-world">
Title: Hello world!
Credit: Written By
Author: Foo Bar
= Setup characters and the inciting incident
Two robots are moving servers. One old and blocky, another shiny and sharp.
Suddenly the old robot's arm FALLS OFF!
Uh oh!
You should be deprecated.
<script src="//"></script>
{ responsive: true, notes: true }
Advanced Usage Example
The example below uses jQuery to fetch the fountain file via an HTTP request, however you can use any library to fetch the fountain file content.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Hello World -- An Example</title>
<div id="hello-world"></div>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
$(document).ready(function() {
$.get('/hello-world.fountain', function (data) {
fountainString: data,
responsive: true,
notes: true,
styles: {
// these will be interpreted as percentages
// as we have set `responsive: true` above
left: 5,
right: 5,
transitionLeft: 80,
The fountainer
method takes two arguments shown below
fountainer(el, settings)
is a reference to the element containing the fountain script. All the textual content of the el
element will be interpreted as fountain text.
is an object with the following properties
fountainString: '', // you can provide the fountain script text here
// when provided, the contents of the element are ignored
notes: false, // notes will be rendered when set to true
responsive: false,
// when responsive is set to true the script will be rendered
// with percentage based widths and all values provided in the
// `styles` object will be interpreted as percentages.
// When responsive is set to false, script will be rendered in
// inches and all values provided in the `styles` object will be
// interpreted as inches.
styles: {
// object containing styling overrides, default values are shown below
pageWidth: 8.5, // width of the fountainer element
left: 1.5, // left margin for scenes and actions
right: 1, // right margin for scenes and actions
transitionLeft: 5.5, // left margin for transitions
transitionRight: 1, // right margin for transitions
characterLeft: 3.5, // left margin for character
characterRight: 1, // right margin for character
parenLeft: 3, // left margin for parentheticals
parenRight: 3.25, // right margin for parentheticals
dialogueLeft: 2.5, // left margin for dialogues
dialogueRight: 2.5, // right margin for dialogues
notesLeft: 1, // left margin for sections and synopses
notesRight: 1, // right margin for sections and synopses
dualLeft: 2, // left margin for dual dialogues
dualRight: 1, // right margin for dual dialogues
dualGutter: 0.25, // column gutter for dual dialogues
dualDialogueLeft: 2, // left margin for dual dialogueslines
dialDialogueRight: 1, // right margin for dual dialogue lines
dualCharacterLeft: 0.75, // left margin for dual dialogue character
dualCharacterRight: 0.25, // right margin for dual dialogue character
dualParenLeft: 0.25, // left margin for dual dialogue parentheticals
dualParentRight: 0.25, // right margin for dual dialogue parentheticals
fontFamily: 'Courier Prime', // font for the script
fontSize: '12pt', // font size for the script
lineHeight: '14pt', // line height for the script
bgColor: '#FFFFFF', // background color of the script
color: '#333333', // foreground color of the script
notesColor: '#AAAAA' // color for the notes (only applicable when `notes` is true)