<a href="">Element plus</a> for <a href="">FormKit.</a>
FormKit element plus
Element plus for FormKit.
Most of the components are based on Element plus, attributes directly pass to the element plus component.
npm i element-plus
npm i @formkit/vue
npm i @formkit/i18n
npm i formkit-element-plus
direct setup in main.ts
import { plugin, defaultConfig } from '@formkit/vue'
import { ElementPlusInputs } from "formkit-element-plus";
import { zh } from '@formkit/i18n'
import '@formkit/themes/genesis'
const app = createApp(App);
app.use(plugin, defaultConfig({
// set language
locales: { zh },
locale: 'zh',
inputs: {
<FormKit type="el-form" v-model="data" ref="elf" id="elform">
<FormKit type="el-input" label="input3" name="input3" validation="required" placeholder="testing3" clearable />
<FormKit type="el-select" label="Select" name="select" :options="{
mercury: 'Mercury',
venus: 'Venus',
earth: 'Earth',
mars: 'Mars',
jupiter: 'Jupiter',
saturn: 'Saturn',
uranus: 'Uranus',
neptune: 'Neptune',
validation="required" clearable placeholder="select placeholder" filterable multiple />
<FormKit type="el-checkbox" label="Checkbox1" name="cb1" validation="required"/>
<FormKit type="el-rate" label="Rate" name="rate1"/>
<FormKit type="el-switch" label="Switch" name="switch1"/>
<FormKit type="el-time-picker" label="Time Picker 1" name="time_picker_1"/>
<FormKit type="el-input-number" label="input nubmer 1" name="input_number_1"/>
<FormKit type="el-radio-group" label="Radio Group" name="radio1" :options="{
mercury: 'Mercury',
venus: 'Venus',
earth: 'Earth',
mars: 'Mars',
jupiter: 'Jupiter',
saturn: 'Saturn',
uranus: 'Uranus',
neptune: 'Neptune',
}" validation="required"/>
<FormKit type="el-slider" label="Slider1" name="slider1" />
<FormKit type="el-slider" label="Slider2" name="slider2" :min="100" :max="200" :step="2" />
<FormKit type="el-color-picker" label="ColorPicker" name="color1" />
Supported type
<FormKit type="form" v-model="data">
<FormKit type="el-rate" label="elFormRate" name="rate" form-item/>
<FormKit type="el-rate" label="elRate" name="rate" help="help text" />
<FormKit type="el-rate" label="elRate" name="rate" :texts="['oops', 'disappointed', 'normal', 'good', 'great']"
show-text />
<FormKit type="el-rate" label="elRate (allow-half)" name="rate_half" allow-half />
Custom template of select options
<script setup>
import { ref } from "vue";
const data = ref({});
const cities = [
value: 'Beijing',
label: 'Beijing',
value: 'Shanghai',
label: 'Shanghai',
value: 'Nanjing',
label: 'Nanjing',
value: 'Chengdu',
label: 'Chengdu',
value: 'Shenzhen',
label: 'Shenzhen',
value: 'Guangzhou',
label: 'Guangzhou',
<FormKit type="el-select" label="select (Custom template)" name="input1" :options="cities">
<template #option="{ item }">
<span style="float: left">{{ item.label }}</span>
<span style="
float: right;
color: var(--el-text-color-secondary);
font-size: 13px;
">{{ item.value }}
<FormKit type="group" v-model="data">
<FormKit type="el-date-picker" label="el-date-picker" name="date1" validation="required" />
<FormKit type="el-date-range-picker" label="el-date-range-picker" name="date2" />
<FormKit type="group" v-model="data">
<FormKit type="el-switch" label="el-switch" name="switch1" />
<FormKit type="el-switch" label="el-switch (size)" name="switch2" size="large" />
<FormKit type="el-switch" name="swtich3" active-text="Pay by month" inactive-text="Pay by year" />
<FormKit type="group" v-model="data">
<FormKit type="el-time-picker" label="el-time-picker" name="time1" />
<FormKit type="el-time-picker" label="el-time-picker (range)" name="time2" is-range />
<script setup>
import { ref } from "vue";
const data = ref({})
const createFilter = (queryString) => {
return (restaurant) => {
return (
restaurant.value.toLowerCase().indexOf(queryString.toLowerCase()) === 0
const restaurants = ref([
{ value: 'vue', link: '' },
{ value: 'element', link: '' },
{ value: 'cooking', link: '' },
{ value: 'mint-ui', link: '' },
{ value: 'vuex', link: '' },
{ value: 'vue-router', link: '' },
{ value: 'babel', link: '' },
let querySearch = (queryString, cb) => {
const results = queryString
? restaurants.value.filter(createFilter(queryString))
: restaurants.value
// call callback function to return suggestions
<pre wrap>{{ data }}</pre>
<FormKit type="group" v-model="data">
<FormKit type="el-autocomplete" label="el-autocomplete" name="value1" placeholder="Please Input"
:fetch-suggestions="querySearch" />
<script setup>
import { ref } from "vue";
const data = ref({})
<pre wrap>{{ data }}</pre>
<FormKit type="group" v-model="data">
<FormKit type="el-upload" label="elUpload" name="upload">
<el-button type="primary" size="small">select file</el-button>
<FormKit type="el-upload" label="elFormUpload" name="upload1" form-item>
<el-button type="primary" size="small">select file</el-button>
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
let form = ref({})
let data = [{
label: "Level one 1",
value: 1,
children: [{
label: "Level two 1-1",
value: 2,
children: [{
label: "Level three 1-1-1",
value: 3
}, {
label: "Level three 1-1-2",
value: 4
}, {
label: "Level three 1-1-3",
value: 5
<form-kit type="el-form" v-model="form">
<form-kit type="el-tree-select" name="treeselect" :data="data" label="el-tree-select" :render-after-expand="false" />
<form-kit type="el-tree-select" name="treeselect2" :data="data" label="el-tree-select (checkbox)" show-checkbox :render-after-expand="false" />
<form-kit type="el-tree-select" name="treeselect3" :data="data" label="el-tree-select (multiple)" multiple :render-after-expand="false" />
- el-checkbox
- el-color-picker
- el-input
- el-input-number
- el-password
- el-radio-group
- el-slider
- el-textarea
- el-time-select
- el-form
- el-transfer
- el-checkbox-group
- el-tree
el-form submit
Due to the limitation of vue3, the submit event of el-form is not supported. You can use the submit attribute of FormKit to submit the form.
const data=ref({})
let onSubmit=()=>{
<FormKit type="el-form" v-model="data" @submit="onSubmit">