A speedy way to create HTML forms.
🐇 Formit
A speedy way to create HTML forms.
- ⚡️ Tiny, around 1.35 KB gzipped
- 🙌 Zero dependences
- 🖌 Styleless by design, allowing you to add your own.
🔧 Installation
npm install --save formit
Then, import it into your Javascript workflow:
import Formit from 'formit'
The UMD build is also available via unpkg:
<script src=""></script>
🕹 Usage
Here's a quick example of how you can compose HTML forms with Formit:
1. Prepare the HTML
Create somewhere for your Formit elements to render to:
<div id="Form"></div>
2. Generate with Formit
Target your selector, and pass in the Formit elements you want to generate:
Formit('#form', [
label: 'First name',
type: 'text',
placeholder: 'First',
autofocus: true,
label: 'Last name',
placeholder: 'Last',
type: 'text',
type: 'submit',
value: 'Go!'
3. Check out your rendered form
Aw yea! Your selector is now populated with ready-to-use form elements.
A cool feature of Formit is that it'll automatically generate unique IDs and associate the <label>
(if generated) with the field.
<div id="form">
<div class="FormElements-FieldGroup FormElements-id-0">
<label for="FormElements-0" class="FormElements-Label">
<div class="FormElements-Label__text">First name</div>
<input type="text" id="FormElements-0" placeholder="First" autofocus="true" class="FormElements-Field">
<div class="FormElements-FieldGroup FormElements-id-1">
<label for="FormElements-1" class="FormElements-Label">
<div class="FormElements-Label__text">Last name</div>
<input type="text" id="FormElements-1" placeholder="Last" class="FormElements-Field">
<div class="FormElements-FieldGroup FormElements-id-2">
<input type="submit" id="FormElements-2" value="Go!" class="FormElements-Field">
📒 Notes
Tests and additional docs coming soon!
❤️ Thanks
A big thanks to developit for his amazing tools and for being a source of inspiration.