A basic data cache with expirations for data cached.
A very basic data cache featuring expiration times.
Version 0.0.1
Basic Usage:
Import and Create a Cache.
import Cache from 'forget-me-maeby';
const cache = new Cache("cacheNameIsOptional");
Set an Expiration Time in Milliseconds to the Cache for all values.
cache.expiresIn(10000); // returns the cache for continuation.
cache.expiresIn(); // returns 10000;
Set the cache to have NO expiration
If you do NOT set an expiration time, the default value is 1 hour.
Set a Value:
cache.set("blue", 2435); // sets value with key of blue to 2435.
// returns the cache again for continuations.
With a unique expiration time
cache.set("orange", 111, 1000 * 60 * 60);
// expiration time for data under key "orange" is now 1 hour
// ALL Other Cache expirations remain the default value.
Get a Value:
cache.get("blue"); // returns 2435
// wait for 20 seconds
cache.get("blue"); // returns null;
With a Default Fallback
cache.get("blue", 76); // returns 2435
// wait for 20 seconds;
cache.get("blue", 76); // returns 76
cache.get("mauve", true); // returns true because there is no "mauve" value
Get all values in the cache at once:
cache.set("blue", 1976).set("green", 2001);
cache.get(); // returns { blue: 1976, green: 2001 };
// wait for 20 seconds:
cache.get(); // returns { blue: null, green: null };
Delete a value in the cache.
cache.delete("blue"); // removes the "blue" key from the cache.
// returns cache for continuation
cache.delete("Greg Brady"); // throws an error because there is
// no data under the key "Greg Brady"